You Can't Just Do Stuff Like That

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He sat there contemplating what to send when his question was answered by Bakugou's message.

He'd slipped his hand inside his underwear and taken a picture of his wrist disappearing under the waistband. You could clearly see the outline of his fist wrapped around his hard dick. 'This is your fault, you lip biting asshole'.

Kirishima imagined Katsuki stroking himself and moaned softly. He slipped his own hand inside his underwear and shuddered as he grasped his hard dick. Starting the motion slowly. He took a few second video and sent it.

'That's so fucking hot' came Bakugou's reply, text only this time. Followed by 'I'm imagining it's my hand'

Kirishima had never seen Bakugou act so brazen. He had to admit it was a major turn on. He text back 'Same. I can almost feel your calloused fingers'.

'Fuck Kiri, I want it to be my hand. Maybe we could try it soon'.

Kirishima gulped thinking of Bakugou wanting to give him a hand job. God things were escalating quickly. 'Fuck Katsuki I'm gonna cum'.

'Ahhh yeah right there with ya'.

Kirishima finished quickly and tidied up, he laid back, his breathing returning to normal. His eyes flicked over the last few messages, oh dear lord look at what he'd said! He'd actually sent those words in a message. He hadn't expected that when he'd sent his first picture!

He looked down at his screen to see another message from Bakugou 'you good?'

'Yeah, very. Getting sleepy now' Kirishima sent back.

'Of course you'd be a sleepyhead after sex *eyeroll* I imagine you'd be cuddly as fuck too'.

Kirishima laughed at his teasing message and replied 'I'll just have to cuddle my pillow. Didn't explode your dick off?'

'Maybe you'll have to check' came the quick response.

Kirishima could never imagine Katsuki saying anything like that in person! He laughed and typed out one last message 'Goodnight explosion boy, sweet dreams. Can't wait to see you tomorrow xoxo'.

Bakugou read the message and huffed out a laugh 'Goodnight shitty hair, sleep well. I'll see you in the morning xx'.

Bakugou was waiting at UA's front gate for Kirishima. He was occupying himself with kicking a small stone on the path. He hadn't seen Kirishima since Saturday night and to be honest he was a little nervous.

Their last conversation had been last night when they'd sext. Tch what a dumb word. He'd been all riled up since they had made out on the Ferris wheel and that had eased some of the tension. But what it had also done was created more tension which was building up the longer it took Kirishima to get to school.

Kirishima saw Bakugou standing at the front gate. Is he waiting for me? Aww that's cute, he thought. He walked up to him and gave him a big smile. Bakugou actually returned it, if somewhat tentatively and Kirishima's smile grew even bigger.

The look on Kirishima's face dissolved the knot in Bakugou's stomach and everything seemed right again. They walked into class holding each other's hand.

About half the class were already inside when they entered. The chatter stopped as nine pairs of eyes turned to them. Someone let out a whistle and a couple of others cheered. Bakugou rolled his eyes and called out, "Shut up ya damn idiots!" as he walked over to his seat.

Kirishima laughed as he took his own seat. "I still cannot believe you told Kaminari and no one else. I thought we were friends, Kiri," Mina pouted, leaning on his desk.

"Yeah sorry about that, Mina, but I didn't just tell Kaminari, he found out by accident," Kirishima said consolingly, trying to resolve her hurt.

"Well now you have to tell me that story. Spill!" she exclaimed.

Kirishima opened his mouth to explain but was cut off by Aizawa entering the room. Oh thank God, he thought. He silently praised his teacher for saving him from sharing that awkward story.

The boys fell into a rhythm of eating lunch with Kirishima's friends, studying together after school and sharing goodnight kisses. Bakugou had even started to make comments during lunch that weren't insults so Kirishima had counted that as a real improvement. He knew he was trying for him. To be the person that he thought he deserved.

There was an undeniable tension that had been building over the past few days and Kirishima had an inkling as to what it could be. They hadn't done anything else besides make out, and talk. They'd actually done a lot of talking. Not that that was a problem, he loved sharing things with his boyfriend and especially loved the feel of Katsuki's lips on his, and often on his neck, and sometimes on his collarbone.

But he was starting to want more and it was putting a feeling in his stomach that he wasn't sure he liked.

Kirishima knew Katsuki could feel it too because he had asked him to spar after school. He always wanted to do that when he was wound tight. It definitely helped blow off steam and the two were usually a lot more content afterward. 

Kirishima arrived at the training room before Bakugou and started warming up. He took off his shirt and changed into gym pants instead of his uniform. Bakugou came in just as he was finishing his warm up, he had already changed and was ready to go.

They went through their normal routine and were starting to get worn out. Kirishima realised Bakugou was getting tired and swiped his legs out from under him. Bakugou crashed to the ground but not before grabbing Kirishima and bringing him down with him. The two of them wrestled on the ground for control with Bakugou eventually ending up the victor. He pinned Kirishima's arms to the floor above his head, his breath coming in quick pants.

Kirishima just laughed, "I am actually getting better, right? Even though I end up down here more often than not?" He wriggled his hips to punctuate his question.

Bakugou smirked down at him, still pinning his arms above his head. "Yeah you are, you're much quicker than you were. I just have incentive to win."

Kirishima raised his brows questioningly.

"I like you like this," Bakugou replied in a low voice, eyes running from where their hips almost connected up his chest and face to his arms. He gave them a little squeeze for emphasis.

Kirishima felt his stomach flutter at his words and the lust written on Bakugou's face. Bakugou wasn't usually this playful or flirty so he decided to make the most of it. "Under you?" He asked with a little teasing smile.

Bakugou closed his eyes heavily before he looked down at him again. "Not necessarily under. I meant sweaty and shirtless, pressed up against me."

Bakugou's voice had dropped to a low rasp and Kirishima nervously went to bite his lip.

Bakugou used one hand to hold both of Kirishima's wrists together and used the other to press his thumb to Kiri's lower lip that he was about to bite down on. "This lip has caused me enough trouble," he groaned.

Kirishima raised his eyebrows as if in challenge then he slowly wrapped his lips around Bakugou's thumb and sucked. He softly bit down on the pad of his thumb then swirled his tongue over the skin. He dropped his head back down, releasing his thumb. "Would you prefer I bite something other than my lip?"

Bakugou's face had heated and his eyelids had drooped. "Fuck Kiri, you can't just do stuff like that in here," he basically moaned out.

"Hey, you put your thumb in my mouth. Are we done then? Ready to go back to the dorms?" Kirishima replied, voice thick.

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