He Couldn't Do That, Could He?

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Kirishima leaned against the front door after he had closed it. He smiled and closed his eyes, replaying everything that they had shared this evening. He didn't realise his mother was still up, sitting on the sofa watching him curiously.

"I take it you had a good night then," she said and laughed softly. "Do you want to tell me who that was?"

Kirishima froze, had she seen him on the doorstep? No, he didn't think she had but she had an uncanny ability of telling when something was up. He thought about downplaying it but it would feel nice to share his feelings about Katsuki with his mother.

"Ahh his name's Katsuki Bakugou, he's from my class and we've been dating for about a week. I really like him, Ma." Kirishima felt his cheeks pink a little as he hid the extent of his smile.

"Oh Eijirou you couldn't hide that grin on your face if you tried. I'm just so happy for you. He must be a good boy to have caught your eye. I'd love to meet him. Maybe he can stay over one night," his mother said happily.

"Yeah that'd be nice Mom," Kirishima said, walking toward the sofa. He was feeling all fuzzy that his mother was so happy for him.

"Although, you are sixteen now Eijirou. Do we need to have a talk? You haven't had a boyfriend before.." she trailed off.

Kirishima froze mid step and his face flamed. "Ugh Mom no. Thank you, I appreciate you, but no, we do not need to have this conversation."

"Ok sweetie, as long as you're safe. Don't do anything you don't want to do," she said and smiled at him.

Kirishima wished the ground would open up and swallow him. He did not want to talk about sex with his mom! Instead, he walked over to her, kissed her on the cheek and told her he loved her. He then practically ran to his bedroom.

He was sure he heard his mother's low chuckle as he made his escape, face still red.

Kirishima spent Sunday cleaning up the mess he'd made of his room the night before. He'd worked himself into a low key panic about what to wear.

He had wanted to impress Bakugou and it seemed like it had paid off. He'd told him he looked real fucking hot so that was a major plus. Then there was their make out session on the Ferris wheel.

God that had been hot. He blushed a little as he remembered how he had rubbed Katsuki's dick. Well not rubbed exactly, more like touched. But he'd never done that before, and it had him excited.

Night time came around slowly, it was the longest he had gone without seeing Katsuki in nearly two weeks. He would see him tomorrow though, he cringed as he thought about how he would see the rest of the class tomorrow as well.

His phone had blown up with messages from his friends that he had mostly replied to. Ashido wanted details and felt she deserved them after being left out for so long. Everyone seemed happy for him though so that was a relief.

He picked up his phone and sent a picture message to Bakugou of his body. He was laying back on his bed so it was mostly just his legs crossed at the ankles. He captioned it by asking how the family thing went. It was almost bed time so he assumed he must be home now.

Bakugou replied with a picture of his face, eyes rolled and mouth down turned. 'Great' read the caption.

Kirishima snickered, obviously it hasn't been great. He snapped a picture of his own face with a little smile 'I missed you'.

Bakugou had got into bed and sent a picture of the blanket pulled up to his waist, revealing his bare stomach. 'Missed you too'.

Kirishima sent a similar picture to the first one, this one pulled back more to show his own stomach, covered by his shirt. He didn't know what to write so he just sent the picture.

'Would look better bare' Bakugou replied with a picture of his abs flexed.

Oh are we really doing this? thought Kirishima. He took off his shirt, went to check that his bedroom door was locked and sent a selfie of his whole bare top half after he had climbed back onto the bed. 'Better?'

'Much' Bakugou sent with a picture of his lower abs again, this time with his hand resting on the waistband of his sweats.

Kirishima sent back a picture of him biting his lip with no caption. He knew it drove Katsuki mad.

This time a video came through, the audio was Bakugou growling with the video showing him adjusting his dick through his sweats.

Kirishima reached down and grabbed his own erection through his shorts. He was playing with fire now but before he could change his mind he sent the picture. He only sent it because the app deleted the pictures after a few minutes.

The image that came back was of Katsuki smirking 'Would look better bare'.

What?! Did he just ask for a dick pic? Kirishima chewed on his lip as he decided what to do.

Before he had the chance, another picture came through 'Calm down Red, I'm only teasing' was written over a picture of Bakugou's body. God he looked so good, Kirishima thought.

Kirishima got under the covers and took his shorts off, laying in his black underwear. They were tight and his dick was straining through the fabric. He wrapped his hand over it and took a picture. 'Better?'

'I did say I was kidding, but yeah' Bakugou replied with a similar photo, showing off the length of him through his underwear. He'd also taken off his pants.

Kirishima wasn't sure what to do next. He was fucking wired and his dick wanted to be touched but he couldn't send pictures of that! Could he?

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