All My Fault-Calum Hood

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In which Calum tries to take his own life (trigger warning). Shoutout to
SomewhereDowntown for the idea. Check out her book Call Me Gabe its fucking amazing.

I can hear the shower running as I open the door.

Its dark inside the house, the only light coming through a crack in the curtains. I fiddle for the switch illuminating our messy apartment. There's takeout on the coffee table and a pile of dishes in the sink. Calum's shirt is thrown over the couch, and my fluffy grey sweater sits on the kitchen floor. The lamp I smashed still lies in smithereens, white porcelain and blood from where it cut Cal's forehead.


"Of course I thought you cheated on me! I saw the fucking photos, Calum, I mean she's practically climbing all over you!"

"A lot of girls do that, okay! That's just part of it!"

"Part of what, being unfaithful? I don't fucking get it Cal! How can you talk to me on the phone, tell me you love me and then go to a club and let some chick grind on your leg?"

"I tried to stop her!"

"Oh really, because in the photos you look like you're enjoying yourself!"

"So you trust some grainy photo over my word?"

"You know what, maybe the first time this happened I would have given you the benefit of the doubt, but considering this is the third fucking time this has happened!"

"So you don't trust me?"

"Yeah, Cal, maybe I don't! I find it hard to trust a guy I barely see!"

"You knew you were signing up for this, Y/N! Don't act all shocked when I'm gone all the time! You knew when we started dating, you knew when you moved in!"

"Yeah, but I kind of thought we'd actually talk, and we'd actually discuss how tough it is not seeing eachother!"

"We do!"

"No we don't Cal, we talk when we argue and that' all the fucking time lately!"

"Look, if you want to break up with me, Y/N, just say it!"

"You know what, maybe I do!"


"So, you're just okay with me leaving?"

"No, I'm not Y/N, but to be honest I'm kind of sick of this, of every time we talk face to face being an argument!"

"We argue because you fucking cheat on me, Calum?"

"Oh, you are such a bitch sometimes, you know that? Everything is always my fucking fault!"

At that point, I threw the lamp. It smashed on the coffee table, and a shard flew up towards Calum's face, cutting above his eyebrow. My hands flew to my mouth as blood dripped into his eyes.

"Just go, Y/N"


After fifteen minutes of collecting my stuff, concern begins to bubble in the pit of my stomach. The shower is still running.

I need to grab stuff from the bathroom anyway, and it's not like I've never seen him naked.

A dim light glows from under the doorframe as I knock.

"Cal, I'm picking up my stuff."

Silence, bar the steady stream of water.

"Calum, you've been in there for fucking ages, put on a towel or just pass me my stuff."

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