I Saw This Coming-Luke Hemmings

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Author's Note:Okay so I fucking love this song called "The Night We Met" by  Lord Huron and I listen to it while writing all my sad shit. A chapter of my story Ghost of You is based off the song and if you could check out that fic that would be awesome. 

In which Luke gets back from the Australian leg of the Meet You There tour and tells you he cheated

As soon as I hear the lock click, I bound to my feet and run down the hall.

He stands silhouetted against the streetlight outside, his hair messy and falling in his eyes.

"Hey, you!" I say as I reach him. 


Somethings wrong, I can tell as soon as he speaks. A questioning "Luke?" leaves my lips as he kicks of his shoes and walks down the hall, straight past me. We haven't seen   since the start of Meet You there at the beginning of the month, and yet there's no kiss, no "I missed you". He doesn't take me in his arms and swing me around, he doesn't smile. 

I follow him tentatively down the hall and watch him sink onto the sofa. I plop down next to him, legs crossed, hand on his shoulder. 

"Babe, what is it?"


His voice is shaky, and his lip is trembling. Fear begins to bubble up inside me as I squeeze his shoulder.

"Lukey, what is it?"

He flinches away from me at the sound of the pet name, the one I only use at home when only his ears are there to hear it. His eyes are fixed firmly on his lap as his fists clench the material of his pants. 

"Come on Luke, talk to me"

"I cheated on you"

A cold feeling washes over me, and I feel my heart sink. My hand had been reaching for him but now it falls to my side.


He turns to face me, his eyes glassy.

"Y/N I cheated on you. I'm so so sorry, okay, it was a mistake, and-it didn't mean anything okay-I love you-and-"

He's vomiting words now, spilling from his lips with no rhyme or reason as my brain tries to process what he said. 

"Did-did-did you sleep with her?"

I don't  want to know, don't want to picture Luke's hand on the body of another girl, Luke kissing another girl, Luke making love to another girl, to someone who isn't me. But my curiosity gets the better of me, and I say it again, more firmly this time.

"Luke, did you sleep with her?"


He sounds broken, but not as broken as I feel. 

"I was drunk, baby, and she looked just like you, okay, her hair was the same colour and she was wearing a dress just like that red one of yours and-I missed you okay, and I was so drunk and-"

"Its okay, Luke"


"It's okay, Luke, I saw this coming"


My name is feeble on his lips.

"I knew you'd get bored of me, okay? There are a million girls who would love to be with you, who would kill to be with you, and every night you're surrounded by them. I knew that-that at some point you'd realise they were...probably better than me"

"No, that's not-"

"It's okay, Luke! Alright, I know I'm not as pretty as girls you meet, as the girls you see at parties. Hell, I'm not half as hot as some of the girls you've dated. And to be honest I was kind of expecting this because...well, you deserve a lot better than me and to be honest I don't really blame you, alright, so you don't have to be nice about it"

"What...what the fuck, Y/N?"

I know I'm the one vomiting words now, but I can't help it. 

"If you want to break up, and go be with someone who's better for you, that's okay. Its better, actually"

"I don't want to break up, okay? I made a mistake!"

"But it meant something, Luke! You've gotten drunk at parties before but you've never cheated on me before! You're sick of me, and I'm not going to be a bitch and force you to stay!"

"Y/N, I love you!"

"But you shouldn't, Luke. Because...you can do better than me. And I think we should break up"

"Y/N, I thought you'd say that, but not for this reason...you're supposed to break up with me because I fucking cheated on you, not for some-some ridiculous reason that makes no sense!"

Hot tears begin to spill down his cheeks. I'm not sure if I'm crying. 

"Y/N, if you want to leave, leave, but don't-don't do it for the wrong reasons. 

"I...I'm going to leave."

Luke's head drops into his hands. 

"I'll pack up my stuff."

"What? This is your house, Y/N!"

"It was yours before it was mine too. You don't need to worry about me anymore, okay? I'm a dead weight, and you don't need to have me burdening you anymore"

I can hear him protesting as I rise, and walk towards our bedroom. I'm shaking, my finger trembling as I open the door and pull clothes from the closet. 

If you really love him, you'll do what's best for him. You'll leave.

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