Chapter 3: Lab Partners

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It was Friday morning and you were heading to class. After your first week of school you had finally gotten comfortable and figured out how everything works. 

Everyone in the school was split into two groups. There were the people who mattered; the ones who were attractive, popular, and rich. And the people who didn't; pretty much everyone else. But you had made a category all for yourself. 

The people who weren't very popular were terrified of you and many of them still stalked you from afar. They treated you like you were one of the popular kids. After days of being rude, telling people to stop following you, and making it very clear you didn't want anything to do with them the 'popular' kids no longer saw you as one of them (only the boys though). In their words you were "just another nerd". Normally this would be great, everyone either didn't want to talk to you or were to afraid to. You would finally be left alone right? Wrong. 

The 'popular' kids tried to pick on you constantly. Trying to bump into you, calling you names, trying pull pranks on you, and trying to throw things at you in class. Hence the word trying. With the many years of training as an assassin along with training as a hero, physically they couldn't touch you. You didn't really mind the name calling either. But you still had to deal with all of the girls. Bella Graves and her friends are insistent on following you and trying to flirt with you. 

All of the teachers either loved you or hated you for knowing every answer to every question. Your English class hated you because yesterday you were exempt from a test on Monday after you were the only one who raised your hand and correctly answered every question the teacher asked.

 Your English class hated you because yesterday you were exempt from a test on Monday after you were the only one who raised your hand and correctly answered every question the teacher asked

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Your next class was chemistry. You rushed through the halls to try and be the first one in class. You found that less people bothered you while you were in a classroom so you tried to spend as much time in there as possible. You walked into class surprised to see that for once you weren't the first person. 

There was a girl... and she was in the seat next to yours. You quickly sat down next to her as the rest of the class filed in. You pulled out the book and began to read hoping she wouldn't bother you. You soon realized (much to your relief) that she wasn't paying any attention to you either. You looked over and saw her intently staring at her phone screen. She was just like everyone else, probably on social media or texting her friends(most likely about you). You just scoffed,

"Low life."

"Sorry if I don't have the luxury to afford my own personal library."

She hissed at you while holding up her phone. You looked at her screen. She had been reading.

"That doesn't change anything. You are still just as pathetic as everyone else; incompetent and idiotic. I prefer to work alone so stay out of my way."

"Well you're stuck with me so get used to it brat. And don't expect me to drool over you like everyone else. I didn't ask to be put with 'The Great Damian Wayne'."

She then pulled out her notebook and faced towards the teacher. You growled and then went back to reading. What you didn't realize was that the whole class had been staring at the both of you astonished. Someone had finally put you in your place.


Seeing as it was a Friday, you were supposed to do an experiment with your partner, but because it would be the class's first experiment the teacher had decided to start off with something easy. You and your partner were just going to be mixing vinegar and baking soda. Teacher asked for one student from each group to go up and grab the materials. The girl started to go up but you shoved passed her and grabbed the materials, knocking her to the floor in the process. You started setting up and she grabbed a paper and started to write out a report on what happened when the substances mixed.

"Why are you composing a report when we have yet to commence the experiment?"

"It's not rocket science, I know what happens when you mix vinegar and baking soda"


You started to pour the vinegar when she got up to sharpen her pencil and bumped into you (clearly on purpose) causing you to spill vinegar all over your shirt.

"My bad, but it's fine right, you can afford a new shirt." She smirked and walked away.

Great. Now your shirt was wet and you would smell like vinegar for the rest of the day. This was going to be a long class. 

You were the first group done with the assignment. Only seconds after you finished with the experiment she handed you a 2 page report explaining the reaction and then started cleaning the work space. You read over what she had written. To say that you were impressed would be an understatement. The paper was expertly written and you could find no mistakes. You LITERALLY couldn't have written it better yourself. This girl was definitely strange. 

You grabbed a pencil and went to write your name on the top of the paper but noticed that she had already written it for you and next to it was her name: Y/N Silver. After you handed the paper in the two of you sat next to each other in silence reading until the class ends. 

When the bell rang the teacher asked you and Y/n to stay after class for a minute. She gave you a folder full of assignments and said that she expected the two of you to finish them together over the weekend. Y/n just huffed and walked away.

Sadly what you had forgotten was that your next class was algebra; where Y/n was also your partner. The teacher handed each group a 4 page packet that would be due at the end of class. Y/n simply ripped the pages in the packet apart, handed you half of them, and started working on her half. Only 15 minutes later you were already on your last problem when she handed you her two pages completed. You checked over her work not finding any mistakes. 

The teacher was dumbfounded to see that the two of you had finished all of your work in only 15 minutes and just like the last class you both spent the rest of the period reading respectively. Although you were still stuck with Y/n, math wasn't nearly as bad as chemistry because you weren't required to interact with each other as much.

Your last class was Spanish which Y/n had as well but seeing as there was no seating chart she took this as an opportunity to sit as far away from you as possible. In fact everyone was sitting as far from you as possible, mostly due to the fact that you still reeked of vinegar. You found this class just as easy as all of the other ones and ended up reading again during most of the class. You however were surprised to find Y/n struggling to even keep up with the rest of the students in the class. You smirked knowing that you had finally found a weakness.

The final bell ran and you were home free. You rushed out of the classroom along with the rest of the class. As you were walking through the halls you decided to approach her. You walked up beside her and cleared your throat. She turned her head acknowledging you but said nothing.

"Seeing as we are expected to complete our assignments together this weekend I assume that collaborating at my manor would be the best course of action. 4:00 after school today would be convenient."

You went to hand her a piece of paper with your address, but she didn't take it.

"You live in the biggest mansion in Gotham, the whole city knows where you live. I think I can find it without you giving me your address. 4:15 works better."

And with that she walked off disappearing into the crowd. This had been a very long and frustrating day and you had a feeling it was going to become a long and frustrating weekend. Your first week of school was over and you had come to a conclusion; you hated school.

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