DustBerry - Home (Part 1)

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Requested by EpicAnimatez

??? POV

Where am I...?
Who am I...?
It's so... cold...


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Swap's POV

"It's a beautiful mornin'~ Uh- Huh? What the

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"It's a beautiful mornin'~ Uh- Huh? What the... Who is this?"

* ...?

"Hmm... He looks like he's hurt. What do you think, human? Should we take him with us?"

* You think for a bit.
* You tell Sans that it's a good idea.

"Alrighty then, human! The magnificent Sans shall carry this skeleton to home with us!"

*Time skips*

??? POV

My head...
It hurts...

I slowly open up my eyes(ockets) and look around.

" ... Where am I...?", I whisper to myself.

I hear a clicking sound, then look to my left. There, I saw a human child holding something in on of their hands and the other on the doorknob.

 There, I saw a human child holding something in on of their hands and the other on the doorknob

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The human steps inside the room and closes the door behind them. In their hand is a plate with 2 tacos on it. They walk towards me.
I slowly getting into the sitting position.

"Who's room is this...?", I wonder in my head.
"Uh... hey, human... kid. May I ask you where I am? O-oh."

The human hands me the plate.

"Are these.. for me?"

* You nod with smile.
* You tell him that Snas made these for him and tell him to eat them up.

"Oh... Thanks, kid."

After thanking the human, they smile again then leave the room.
I look at the tacos in my hands. My (non-existent) stomach start to ramble as I haven't eaten anything for god knows how long. I eat the tacos, and with the empty plate in my hand, I decide to leave the room.
There's a staircase to right and another room on the left. I walked down the stairs carefully as my legs are still kinda numb. Then, I heard some noises - rather, someone is talking.
I know that it's not a good thing to do but I take a peek and listen to their conversation anyway. I saw a tall skeleton talking to another one that... kinda look like me...?

"Sans, who did you bring today?"

"H-huh? What are you talking about, Papyrus?"

"C'mon, bro. Don't play dumb on me. I know you brought someone here."

"H-how did you know then?"

"I saw you walked pass Muffet's with someone on you shoulder, looking kinda rushed. What did you do to them?"

"Uhh, we were... just playing! We were playing doctor and patient!"

"Really? Do you really have to carry them from way back there to our home, bro?"

"Uhh.... "

"Oh, and also..."



"Who's this then?"

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"Who's this then?"


Oooh wonder what'll happen next~

Sorry for taking so long ><
I've been unmotivated and braindead for such a long time. And school and other stuff keeps getting in my way...
But hey, thanks for requesting this even tho I was like, dead and all that stuff tho!

This one... Is not that long I guess? I can't tell really tell lol

And obviously there is gonna be part 2 of course! Well... maybe lol
If I keep adding plot than it probably will most likely be more that 2 parts... And if I keep lazing around I'll probably will never finish anything... But I'll try to make it short and understandable as possible!!

Sorry for any grammar mistakes btw ><
If you noticed any, pls let me know in the comments!


My art sucks lmao
What version of story do you like btw? By that I mean like, normal fic w/out pics or like what I did in this story? With pictures and stuff

Btw, I'll try my best to update at least once a month...

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