Chapter 3//

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Jaime's POV// 

Shit. Where are they?! I was starting to panic. If there is one thing I know it's that Krissy is never late. She said she and Vic would be here at 5:00 and its 5:40. I've already called her 7 times and Vic 5 times. Each time, for both of them, it went straight to voice mail signaling either their phones are dead or off. I hope it's off because if it's dead that means their dad could be...I should clarify.

I'm Jaime. I've known Vic since he moved here 7 years ago. Vic and I were in 5th grade (and everything leading up from then to junior year in high school) together and I was the first kid to talk to him. We've been best friends ever since. Krissy is Vic's older sister and her and I have been really great friends since I met her when Vic and I were in 6th grade and she was in 7th. By the time I was in 7th and Kriss in  8th, we told each other practically everything from homework answers to crushes to family problems and still do, so, of course I know about her dad. We don't talk about it in front of Vic though. It makes him super upset. He is really scared of his dad and it breaks my heart to see my best friend so scared of someone who is his family and should be taking care of him. That is why I'm so happy he has Kriss. Without her, he probably wouldn't be here.

I was about to call Krissy again when there was a loud knock at the front door. I held my breath and looked through the peep hole. As soon as I saw it was Kriss and Vic I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I opened the door and ushered them in, looking around outside to make sure their father wasn't following. I closed and locked the door. As soon as I turned around I almost fell backwards by Kriss jumping on me, hugging me with extreme strength.

"JELLY BEAR!!!" she laughed

"RICE CRISPAY!" I screamed back in a weird accent. I laughed and gently squeezed her, knowing she was probably injured because, judging by her face, she was beat not too long ago.

"I've missed you!" she said, climbing off of me. 

"I've missed you too, Rice!" I said poking her nose.

"SPONGE BOB!" I screamed running over to Vic who had moved into the living room, awkwardly watching Kriss's and I's exchange. I hopped over the back of the couch and sat down, bouncing up and down on the cushion, watching Vic with a stupid grin on my face.

"Hey Patrick, long time no see,"  he smiled and sat down next to me. Our nicknames for each other are Sponge Bob and Patrick because every year since he moved here, we've gone as Sponge Bob and Patrick for Halloween. 

"I KNOW!" I exclaimed. "I thought I was gonna die if I didn't see you soon!" I said, placing one hand over my heart and thrusting the other out into the air, looking off into the distance with a constipated expression on my face. 

"ALRIGHTY THEN!" Kriss exclaimed, walking in from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn and a box of candy. "No more sugar for Jaime today!" she laughed.

"Awe," I pouted, "I thought you loved me!" 

"I do!" Kriss defended.

"Uh huh. Then let me have my candy." 

Krissy sighed in defeat, throwing the candy at me.

I squealed "YAY!"

"Yea, whatever I get to choose the movie,"  Krissy retorted walking to the shelf with all my movies.

Oh shit. I thought. I know she is going to pick a chick flick. This is gonna suck.

Vic laughed, noticing my scared expression. "Does wittle Jaime not wanna watch a chick fwick?" he teased, knowing she was going to pick a chick flick too.

"Shut up," I laughed, nudging Vic's shoulder. He suddenly inhaled a shaky breath. "Shit! I'm sorry Vic," I exclaimed. "Are you okay?" I asked, knowing he wasn't. 

Vic shook his head, "I'm fine," he finally managed to say.

"Vic, I know you're not. I'm gonna get you some ice," I stood and walked to the kitchen. After putting the ice in a plastic bag, I heard the movie starting. And let the torture begin I thought as I walked back to the living room and handed Vic the ice. 

"What movie did you pick Rice?" I asked, genuinely curious. 

"Twilight," Krissy's smug expression telling me she wasn't kidding.

"Fuck, I told Natalie to take her movies with her," I whined. Natalie is my older adopted sister that moved out to go to college a little while ago. 

Vic laughed at my expense and shoved some popcorn in his mouth.

"Shut up," I playfully glared at him.

Vic's POV//

We are half way through the movie and I've been laughing the entire time. As soon as the movie started Jaime moved to the chair and curled up on it. He silently ate candy with a grumpy expression on his face. Krissy, on the other hand, has been sitting on her phone, taking selfies. She is basically forcing the rest of us to watch this movie while she takes bad selfies. So...yea I find this freaking hilarious. 

By the end of the movie, Jaime had fallen asleep, sprawled out on the chair, hugging his epmty box of candy,  with his head thrown back and drooling. Eww! I thought and chuckled to myself as I threw the blanket over him. 

"I'm going to bed," Kriss yawned as she went up stairs to Jaime's room. 

"Okay. G'night Cookie Monster," I told her.

"Night Bugs Bunny," she replied tiredly, "Love you."

"Love you too."

I watched as she slowly dragged herself up the steps until she was out of sight. Then, I layed down on the couch and covered myself with an extra blanket. I grabbed the remote and rested my head on a throw pillow. Readjusting the new ice bag Krissy had gotten me earlier on my shoulder. I started channel surfing and decided on some crime show with an old lady, doing interviews and whatnot. About half an                                        hour through it, I felt myself drifting off. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a loud knock came from the front door. I waite a moment before the knock came again. I quietly hopped over to Jaime, careful not to put pressure on my bandaged ankle. I shook Jaime awake and pointed to the door. He woke and a paniced look crossed his face as some more, louder, and faster knocks came from it. Kriss came running down stairs. 

"What's going on?!" she asked frantically, panic clear in her voice, "I heard banging." The T.V. light moving across her face illuminated the worry that clouded her deep brown eyes.

I shushed her and pointed toward the front door. 

"Someone's here," Jaime quietly answered for me. More knocks.

He got up and helped me stand, Krissy quickly coming over to help. He led us to the coat closet across from the front door. "Stay in here until I come back," Jaime told us.

A worried and confused expression covered my face. Krissy took my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"We have to listen to him, Vic." There were more knocks at the door. Really loud ones, sounding as though the person, or people, on the other side were about to break it down.

I nodded and hugged Jaime "stay safe bro," I told him before crouching down next to Kriss. I had to lean on her to keep my balance on one foot. I have to get crutches soon. 

"I will," Jaime whispered back before closing the closet door and leaving Krissy and I in the dark.

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