Chapter 4//

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Krissy's POV//

After Jaime closed the door, it was completely dark. It was completely silent. I was scared but, I had to stay strong and I can't show how frightened I am. I can't cry. I have to be strong for Vic. About 5 minutes had past and I heard Vic sniffle. I crawled across the small space, closer to Vic, and put my arm around him.

"Shhh it's okay," I tried comforting him, I wasn't doing a very good job, I could tell. He began shaking in fear and silently sobbed. I hugged him. "I'm sorry Vic..." I trailed off. Way to go. I scolded myself. I felt really bad about not being able to comfort him in the way he needed.

"D-do y-you think he's ok-kay?" Vic whispered after a few moments, trying to speak in between sobs. He was shaking extremely violently now and I was worried.

"I'm sure Jaime's fine," I whispered. A moment passed and Vic's shaking got worse and sobs more frequent. "Vic what's wrong?" I asked concern crystal clear in my voice.

"Wh-what if-f h-he isn't okay-ay?" Vic sobbed as quietly as he could manage.

I waited a moment before that bitchy voice in the back of my head said comfort him you idiot. I held him as tight as I could manage without hurting him and stroked his hair, kissing his head softly "Shhh, shhh, Vic I'm sure he's fine. Shhh, it's okay. Everything's okay. Shhh."

10 minutes later Vic finally calmed down and relief washed over me when he stopped shaking.

"Are you okay?" I cautiously asked Vic.

"I'm okay now. Thank you," he said giving me a small, awkward hug.

"You're welcome," I responded. "I love you, Vic. Always remember that," I told him and gently kissed the top of his head.

"I love you too, Kriss," he whispered back, hugging me again.

Jaime's POV//

I stood there for a few minuets after closing the door, unsure what to do. The knocking continued, loud and fast. I tip toed up to my room and got my ninja sword. Whoever's there better watch out 'cause ninja Jaime is coming to getcha I thought. I laughed at myself.

After searching for what seemed like fo-eve-ah I finally found my ninja sword and my ninja outfit. Why not ? I thought and changed into the ninja outfit. It's been at least 10 minutes since I left Kriss and Vic in the coat closet down stairs and that bitch at the door is still knocking.

"CAN THEY NOT TAKE A HINT?!" I whisper-yelled to myself.

I crept down the stairs and to the front door. I looked through the peephole and saw my other best friend, Tony. I unlocked the door and looked at Tony, who looked frozen. It was really really cold, I mean, it's the middle of winter and he is wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?!" he yelled at me, "I called and texted you a shit ton! My parents kicked me out and I need somewhere to stay!" He gave me a weird look, taking notice of what I was wearing "Why are you in a ninja suit and WHY did someone give you a sword?" he asked clearly confused and a little scared.

I laughed "TONY THE TURTLE!!!" I screamed, leading him inside. "I'll explain later just wait here," I told him.

I walked over to the closet, opening it slightly and peeking in. I saw Vic, who's eyes were glassy and puffy and blood shot, he struggling to balance on his one foot, and Krissy, being her usual self, was playing a game on her phone. Only once I opened the door all the way, letting the light fully spill into the tiny, cramped space, did they noticed my presence. "Hey."

"Who was it?" Krissy asked at the same time as Vic asked "is everything okay?"

I chuckled and answered "yea everything is fine and it was just Tony."

Krissy visibly relaxed, she had been really tense. Vic smiled at the mention of Tony. Ever since Tony moved here last year, we've kind of been like the three musketeers. Vic doesn't know but, Tony has a huuuuuuuge crush on Kriss and I like to tease him about it. I mean don't get me wrong, the girl's attractive but, it's his best friend's older sister. Come. On.

I helped Vic stand and moved him to the couch.

"Hey Vi- HOLY SHIT! Dude what happened?!" he said looking Vic up and down, concern written all over his face.

"Nothing," Vic said, "I don't wanna talk about it."

Tony doesn't know about what Vic's dad does to him and Krissy. He really doesn't talk about anything much. I know he has to let out all of his emotions somewhere... I just don't know how he does it. He has to let it out somewhere or, knowing Vic, he would've exploded and gone on a killing spree by now. I know it doesn't seem like it but, Vic can get really violent and scary at times.

That is when Tony noticed Krissy and her injuries. His jaw dropped to the floor. "Are you okay?!" he asked frantically. Awe the turtle baby is checking to see if his precious Krissy is okay. How adorable. A huge, smug smile crossed my face and I wiggled my eyebrows at Tony.

"Shut up" he mouthed.

Krissy gave us a confused look.

"It's nothing, just an inside joke," I said, saving Tony.

He blushed, his cheeks turning a rosy pink color, and I smiled a smug little smile. This should be fun.


I'M SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN SO LONG!!! I've been really busy and stressed about stuff that I don't want talk about. I'm having really bad writers block and idk what to do. I'll update as soon as I can (which probably won't be for a few days)

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