Chapter 2//

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Vic's POV//

After Kriss took the pain medication and it was in effect, I started pulling out the glass shards from her back with a pair of tweezers I found in the first aid kit. I felt so sick. I hate seeing other people's blood but, I can't get sick, I have to be strong for Kriss. She does so much for me. It's really unfair how much she does for me. I know she does it because she loves me but, I love her too and I want to help her. If I lost Victor Vincent fucking Fuentes get yourself to-fucking-gether. I got up and turned on the radio in hopes to escape my thoughts, and so far, it was working. I began humming along to the piano intro of Welcome to the Black Parade by My Chemical Romance, as did Kriss. Then, we both belted out in our most ridiculous singing voices:

"WHEN I WAS A YOUNG BOY!!!" and we both burst out into fits of laughter at how ridiculous we sounded. After about five minutes of uncontrollable laughing, we both calmed down enough for me to finish picking the glass out of Kriss's back, clean the blood off of her, and tend to the rest of her wounds, as she did mine.

Krissy's POV//

I quickly sat up,startled because of the sudden door slam, signaling our dad left, probably to go to the bar or meet up with one of his fuck buddies. I groaned. The pain meds were wearing off and all the hurt my sorry excuse for a father caused me was returning to my body. Ignore it. Ignore it. Ignore it! I scolded myself. I got up, flinching as sharp pain went throughout my body. I received my cell phone from the drawer on my nightstand by my bed and dialed Jaime's number.





"Hey Rice Crispy! What's up?" a familiar voice cheerily greeted me.

"Hey Jelly Bear! Can Vic and I stay with you for a few days?"

"SLEEP OVAHHH! Hell yea! This is gonna be AMAZEBALLS!" I laughed at his response. Jaime always made me laugh, so, even though he was a year younger then me (Vic's age) I still hung out with him a lot.

"Cool!" I beamed, "we will be over at about 5:00ish."

"FUCK YEA! See ya later alligator!" Jaime exclaimed.

"In a while crocodile!" I laughed.

Vic smiled "I'll take that as we're going to Jaime's and I should pack my shit?"

"Yep,"I was already standing so I helped Vic to his feet...err...foot..? I guess?... and tossed him a duffel bag to pack his stuff in. I began neatly folding my clothes into my bag. I'm OCD like that and have to have my suitcase packed neatly whenever I'm traveling. I picked out my clothes out for the next few days, carefully making sure everything matched perfectly. I'm assuming that we will be staying for 3 days so I'll pack 3 outfits and a pair a pajamas. Okay. Red kool-aide shirt and American flag skinny jeans, blue and black striped shirt and black skinny jeans, batman shirt and black shorts, Mickey Mouse pajamas, toothbrush, toothpaste, brush, straightener, blow dryer, makeup, underwear, bra, and socks. Done. Now, Vic isn't the best at packing so let's check his bag. Okay. 3 shirts, he got that right. 7...pants? No. Let's get rid of some of those...boxers, socks, I have toothpaste, toothbrush? No? Okay lets get that...okay. Brush? he doesn't have that either, there. Now he seems to have everything he needs. I checked my phone for the time 4:47 p.m. I soon realized I probably looked like shit and went to the bathroom to clean myself up.

Once I got to the bathroom, it took me a minute to realize I was looking at myself. I had a cut a cross the middle of my forehead, and another on my lower left cheek, a black eye, and a busted lip. Still, I looked better then Vic, he had a black eye, a cut above his left eyebrow, another going across his hair line, a third one going from the center of his right cheek to his temple, a last cut going from the left corner of his mouth to the back of his jaw and he too had a busted, swollen lip. I cleaned the blood off of my face and neck and put on some makeup, hoping it would hide the cuts and black eye. I flinched each time I dabbed some make up on my injuries because it just straight up hurt. After about 15 minutes of trying to make myself look decent and presentable to the world, I gave up trying. I guess I'll just look like shit. Frustrated, I decided to change since my clothes were dirty and blood stained. Afterwards, I went back to Vic's room to check up on him. The door was shut so I knocked lightly before entering.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, cautiously entering the doorway.

"Yea," a small, hoarse voice came from a dark corner on the opposite side of the room. I heard quite sobs follow. I couln't see anything, it was so dark.

"Vic? What's wrong?" I asked slowly walking toward the night stand by his bed and turned on the lamp. Light filled the room and I saw Vic in the corner, curled in a ball, back facing me, his body jerking up and down with every muffled sob. I rushed over and knelt down beside my little brother.

"Bugs Bunny! What's going on?! Why are you crying?!" I asked frantically, "Did something happen? I'm so sorry," guilt washed over me. Fuck! way to go Kristina. You doing such a great job of protecting him.

"No, no, Cookie Monster everything's fine," Vic's frail voice stopped my angry thoughts.

"Oh... what happened?" was all I could manage to say.

"Nothing... I'm just... sorry" he said and pulled the sleeves on his sweatshirt down.

I crawled closer to him and sat down, my legs crossed, and pulled Vic into my lap. "Why are you sorry?"

"I'm sorry because I know that I cause you a lot of pain and I don't do anything to help you through all this" his voice cracked at the end.

I immediately felt super guilty. He thinks he causes me pain. He thinks he doesn't help me. " Vic." I pulled his chin up so I was looking him dead in the eye. "You do not cause me pain. Its the things people do to you that causes me pain. You have helped me through so much you don't even know. Okay? I love you bro. You are amazing, Okay? You are the best brother I could ask for. I love you. Don't forget that. Okay?"

Vic smiled a tiny, broken smile. "Promise?"

"Promise," I said and kissed his forehead. "You mean the world and more to me and don't you ever forget that. I couldn't live without you, Vic."

"I love you too sis. And I couldn't live without you either," Vic replied, hugging me as tight as he could without hurting his or my injuries.

We fell into a comfortable silence, just hugging, for about 15 minutes before I checked my phone for the time. 5:27. It's at least a 10 minute walk to Jaime's.

"Shit we gotta go!" I said suddenly, making Vic jump.

"Go where?" he asked.

"Jaime's 'member?" I asked.

"OH yea!" he laughed.

And, with that, we got our stuff, left a note for dad, and left for Jaime's.


Ok so this is kinda a filler chapter xc. I'll try to update daily or every other day but it'll be kinda hard with my birthday and school starting and we are still trying to get settled in our new house and my brother is just...ugh. I'll update ASAP k byeeeee

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