Moments That Amaze Me☺️😲😳😍

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Elijah remembered the times that Zyanya came with Henrik to the house he and his family called a home in New Orleans before his children were born.... when she placed his hand over her stomach so he could feel them quicken his eyes would widen at the feeling but he found it.... intriguing.... among many other things.... he was the only one she would allow to feel such a feeling much less touch her in such a intimate way.... well that's a lie she allowed Niklaus that "pleasure" too.... Niklaus even "allowed" the ones he daggered to "awaken".... upon her request.... so that they could meet their niece and nephew who loved each and every one of the Mikaelson's dearly.... they were warned about Henrik playing "daddy" when the children came into the city of New Orleans as well as the reason WHY he had to play "daddy".... even though Tatiana and Ilyas never called him "daddy" which would be strange to anyone who may have met them at such a time but the two children and their fast growing nature only went into the Mikaelson home.... for it would be strange if two children who grew as old as one in 6 months time instead of the full 12 months.... they stopped growing that quickly after that and it was never found out WHY they were born so early or grew that quickly.... every Mikaelson was there the day Tatiana and Ilyas walked their first steps.... ok when they walked their "second" steps.... Zyanya and Henrik walked into the Mikaelson household Zyanya holding onto both kids in the crook of her arms and Elijah being the first to hear them enter rushed over to the front door using his vampire speed and stood in the nearby doorway staring at the woman he loves holding his two one year old children who clung to her sides "Lijah.... stand about two inches from us"  she "orders" him with a smile he tilts his head curiously at her but does as she requests and she sets their children down which makes him kneel down to their level as he watches the two of them walk towards him as soon as he caught his children in a hug he looks up at Zyanya's smiling face with a shocked expression on his "you missed their "first" but there was no way Henrik and I were going to allow you to miss the second time they try!"  she tells him and he smiles at her.... a minute or so later Kol, Finn, Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, Zyanya and Henrik all kneel in a circle surrounding Tatiana and Ilyas who practiced their walking by walking to each Mikaelson in turn.... Rebekah was upset that she was not the first that they walked to as a matter of fact she was second to last.... Elijah was first and Zyanya was last.....

Elijah also heard their first words.... the first time they said them.... which just happened to be "dadda" which also surprised him for they said it directly TO him but it also made him very happy for he was the only one that they called that.... not that he didn't believe Zyanya when she told him that they would know but he figured that them having to "pretend" to have different parents when in New Orleans would confuse them but to everyone's surprise it didn't.... Zyanya arrived to New Orleans on February 13th 1888, made love to Elijah on February 14th 1888 gave birth to Tatia and Ilyas on June 20th 1888 which just happened to be the day of the Summer Solstice.... the Mikaelson family lived in New Orleans until 1919 and even though Henrik, Tatiana and Ilyas would visit Zyanya never stepped one foot inside that dark city ever again.... she found it odd that Mikael would send her in to kill his children but never went back in himself until many a moon later.... Elijah visited Zyanya's little cottage often.... mostly to see his children but to also see her.... feel the softness of her compassionate heart and love which was a rare thing for him throughout his many years of living he tried to get her to return to the city with him but she always refused and he didn't understand why.... she lived in fear of that emptiness returning and she came to hate their beloved city with a deep fiery passion because of what it had turned her into she knew that it would happen again for she was never killed she only became "free" after a death and she found that the only people who could kill her were the ones she loved the most.... as family and as something much deeper.... Mikael had already killed her as has Kol, Finn, Rebekah and Klaus the only ones who hadn't were Elijah and Henrik though she's never asked them.... when it came to Elijah she knew that he would turn her down blatantly refuse to do so "in the name of his love for her" not to mention he would never be able to find the strength to do so and with Henrik she figured since she was his "savior".... she had brought him back to life even though he had turned into a werewolf afterwards.... no he did not kill but he was killed so she guessed that in some sick and twisted way his death counted as a death and since the curse had no one else to turn it went to him.... Zyanya made friends with members of nearby wolf packs everywhere she and Henrik moved to so that he would have someone to hunt with and teach him the ways of a werewolf and during the times they visited his family when a full moon had risen she "helped" Klaus change.... turn into the hybrid he was meant to be for that very same reason.... she wanted Henrik to have a "pack" of his own to know that he was not alone and to feel like he was a part of something....

Getting Finn to kill her might have been a little bit TOO easy he like the other Mikaelson men knew she HATES the reason she was created that it hurt when she fought it and Finn hated to see her in pain she had told him that once she died a small piece of her creators control weakens with each one of her deaths the thought of killing her hurt but he wanted her to be free to live a life he knew he would no longer have so he chose the quickest "painless" death he could think of he also made sure he was there when she woke just to make sure he didn't kill her for good.... Elijah was there when she woke and wondered what happened between the two of them for he had no idea that ANY of the members of his family had each had a turn in committing such an act and no one but Klaus and Henrik knew about her helping Klaus live out his werewolf life every now and again but what amazed Elijah the most of that day he saw her and Finn together is that she seemed to ignore him.... which she had never done before.... when she woke in Finn's bed she saw both Finn and Elijah staring at her she softly chuckled, climbed out of bed walked over to Finn who stood up from the chair he sat in wrapped her arm around his neck and the two of them left the room passing Elijah who stood in the doorway watching her every move locking eyes with her for a few seconds as she walked past him

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