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Hunter's pov.:

'Hunter, can you give me that?' Eddie, the janitor, is asking me to give him the hammer. Sean and I are helping him like every day. We are almost ready with the first closet. It is completely broken after our action.

During the lunch I saw Madison leaving really quickly. I don't know what was happening at the table but she was the only one laughing. I thought it was funny but of course Sean has to see me laughing. The whole way to the art room, he teased me.

"Madison and Hunter are sitting in the tree. K I S S I N G... ." he song (really false) that song over and over again. I was going insane.

'Okay, it's done. You two can go.' Eddie looks at us like we are dogs. But yes, finally, I am dying to see my mother. I promised her that I was going to see her. And I keep my promises always. Now that I think of it, I also have to get Madison's cell phone.

I call a cab and go to the hospital. I need a car or a bike or something, really fast. Something to move, 'cause the cab isn't really the best thing. It costs money and you have to wait until he is with you.

When I get there, I go immediately to her room. I see her lying in her bed. The usual place where she always lies when I am here. Hopefully I can talk to her.

'Hi mam.' I begin. She's just staring at the ceiling like a dead person. I have not much faith in this whole rescue thing but I need to stay positive. 'I am here, like I promised.' I continue to talk because I know she will not answer.

She turns her head a bit so she can see me. She didn't do that in weeks. She tries to say something but I can't hear it. I go with my head to her ear so that I can hear it better. 'Your father.' She only says.

I'm staring at her. What did she just say? My father...? I haven't seen my dad in years. She wants to say something else. I go back with my head over her ear.

'You need the money.' She doesn't mean that, right? 'Why do I need the money? What are you talking about? I am gonna find a job.' She just stares at me. Is she gonna say something?

'You know you can't pay my bills. I don't think you're ever going to pay. We just don't have the money. But you're father has. He called the hospital yesterday. Just go to him.' Wow, that's the longest six sentences she said in those whole two years she had cancer.

'I will think about it. And don't say those kinds of things. You are not gonna die, okay? I am gonna take care of that.' She nods softly. She understands what I am saying. That's a good sign.

My father left us four years ago for another woman. Actually, he cheated on my mother with that woman. "I am sorry, I just love her." He said as excuse. I haven't seen him in those four years.

My mother was complete broken. He and my mother just married after high school. Not the best idea, in my opinion. They were in love for over three years or something. When I came they were happy. Finally, they were gonna have a child.

My dad wanted a girl. I have never giving that. He wasn't sad or something just disappointed. I think he never really loved me like my mom.

Of course, I hated him those four years. It did not go so well between my mom and my father. But maybe first you divorce before you jump in bed with another woman.

When he heard the news that he was going to be a dad with another baby from that woman he left us without second thought. I just woke up and he was gone. I didn't saw my mother for days. She was so heartbroken.

I swore that day that I would never have anything to do with my father. Not even a single conversation. Just nothing. And of course with that other woman he had a girl. A cute girl with blue eyes, he always said on the phone when he tried to call me.

Obviously I had something what is called voicemail. I never listened to his pathetic stories on the phone. But sometimes I listened to his voicemail. Just to laugh at him that he deserved the award for the most fucking dad of the year.

I am sorry, but can you blame me. He hurt the most important woman in my life. He didn't even visit her when she was in the hospital, where she still is.

After my mom has picked up her life again she didn't even blame him. She just said that those things happen. It's not like movies or fairytales. I knew she was right. Love is not like those movies where everything just goes right. Love is tricky and poison.

My father still sends me letters with money. I never accept it though. I just throw it away. I hate that man. But the last few months have been hard. Mom isn't going to get better without the money for her diagnose. It's a shame how expensive that is. A new lung, it's like a thousand or two dollars. I know right, terrible.


I stayed a few hours before I went home. She didn't say a lot of things. Just shit. But I was the whole time thinking about my dad. I know I want nothing to do with him but I don't want my mother dead. I mean if I never give the money she will be on the wait list forever. And it's not going any better. She needs a new lung. And for that I need money.

Maybe I can call him. I don't know where he lives so... No, Hunter, you are not going to call the man that broke my mother's heart. I find a job whatever it takes. I am not gonna let my mother down.


Ugh, I have to get out of my bed. It's Wednesday so I need to go to school. Eddie, the janitor, said that it's going very well and that we maybe not have to come next week. I like that. I don't want to get up so early.

One advantage: I see Madison every day. Yes, I have admitted that I like her a little bit. I am absolutely not in love with her, absolutely not. But she's cool. I like her.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I take a shower and put my clothes on. I decide to just wear a pair of black pants and a blue t-shirt. Nothing special, just casual. After my shower and my little dress-up I decide that it's time for breakfast.

Do you also have every day the same? Not every day the same, but every week on the same day the same breakfast. Like Monday I eat cornflakes. Tuesday I eat eggs. Wednesday I eat chocolate. Like that, every week the same. You might think it get boring but you know every day what you are gonna eat. That's so easier.

I spent last night also looking at the website of a garage for motorbikes. Of course I have my driving license but bikes are less expensive. So I'll go tomorrow or Friday. I'm tired of the bus.



I promise it's get better. The next chapters are so cute. I love Madison and Hunter together. I hope you do too.

Keep reading.




-xxx Try_New_Things-

By the way, I forgot Sydney in chapter eight. So this is Sydney.

 So this is Sydney

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