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Craig waited by tweek's locker as the hallways were being emptied out slowly. He leaned against the locker and got lost in his thoughts of his tweek.

'I can't wait until we go to my house. I want to lock him in my room. That way nobody can take him away from me. I'll give him whatever he wants. He'll be Soo happy. I'll be Soo happy taking care of him. We will eventually get married and move out of this hell. I wonder if he could get pregnant. I mean, it is south park. Weird shit always happens here. Our kids would be so cute. I wonder what they'd look like. I've always wanted 2 kids. I would love to see tweek pregnant with my kids. Man, imagining my future is great.'

Before craig could continue his thoughts, he heard yelling down the hall. "Ngh- Leave me alone kenny! St-stop touching me!" Tweek's panic voice could be heard for miles. "C'mon coffeebean, don't be like that. You're single, I'm single. We were meant for each other." Kenny purred."No! I'm not gonna date you. You just want in my pants!" Tweek growled. Kenny scoffed,"I'm not just trying to get into your pants, I want to love you." Tweek huffed,"lies. Now leave me alone! Craig's probably wondering where I am."

Kenny let out an inhuman growl," Why do you deny me of what I want? Craig can't love you like I can. He's just an emotionless fuck that doesn't give a shit about anyone, even you. Which is why I am perfect for you." Tweek was beyond pissed and if you saw his face you would shit yourself. His angry face is scary. Maybe it's because he rarely gets this mad or maybe its because you wouldn't of guessed that tweek could get this mad. Either way, craig found it extremely hot.

"Don't you dare call him that. You don't even know him. He's more kind hearted,caring and better than you in every way. I'd rather date him than you anyday. You shouldn't lie to me about just wanting in my pants. I know why you want me. It's not going to work. I will lose my virginity to someone I ACTUALLY love. I'm not that desperate enough to give it away to you." Tweek spat. Kenny was pretending to not be scared as balls," fine, you win....for now."

That earned the slut a hard kick in the balls. Tweek smirked as kenny went down in pain and then he sashayed away to craig. His angry expression was gone and now he had one of happiness,"Hi craig! Ready to go?" He chirped. Craig grinned and wrapped an arm around his favorite blond,"Yep. Let's get out of here."

__________________(time skip)___________________________

"So....I heard what happened between you and kenny." Craig said shoving his face into Tweek's soft hair. Tweek tensed up and moved away from craig. Earning an upset whine. Craig tried to grab tweek to pull him back but tweek moved even more back. Craig looked at tweek, only to notice how flushed his face was."How much did you hear?" The smaller boy asked shyly.

Craig smirked,"Enough to know that you would rather date me than kenny." Tweek squeaked in embarrassment and quickly his his face into Craig's chest. Craig sighed happily, feeling tweek close to him. He pulled the blond closer and ran his fingers through the blond frizz. "I would though." Tweek mumbled. Craig hummed,"why?" Tweek made an embarrassed noise,"ngh-cause... You're better than him...." Craig smiled darkly," would you want to date me?" 

Tweek whined and shoved his face even deeper into Craig's chest. He hesitantly nodded. In an instant, craig was breathing heavily as he was over tweek's lithe frame. Tweek saw lots of emotions in craig eyes, but the main one that shown through his blue eyes was.... Hunger. And it wasn't for food. Craig licked his lips,smirking. Tweek had the overwhelming urge to submit.

So he did. He looked away, giving full access to his neck and throat. Craig was pleased to see the submission. He leaned down and gave a long lick from the collar bone to tweek's ear. Tweek squeaked but said nothing. The older boy smiled and kissed the neck below him. Tweek wanted to squirm but his need to please craig was greater. Tweek suddenly gasped feeling craig suck on his neck. 

Craig got up a little to see his work. Possession filled him as he saw the red and purple marks on his love's neck. Tweek turned to look at craig,"You like me back?" He said sheepishly. Craig chuckled darkly and nodded. Tweek wrapped his arms around Craig's neck. Craig got the message and kissed him.

'MINE.' Craig thought.

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