Dealing with crushes

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Craig made tweek his and couldn't be happier. However, he still has to tell jimmy that tweek is his. He's pretty sure that the hickeys the small blond has obtained is more than enough of an explanation. He was walking with a possessive arm around tweek's waist, not that the smaller boy minds, he finds it comforting and cute. He's always had a crush on the stoic boy but feared rejection, then again anyone would. Whoever falls for Craig tucker is in for heartbreak, he was extremely attractive; with his caramel skin, deep blue eyes, pale pink lips, muscular build. You can see why anyone would find him attractive.

He seems like something unattainable. What everyone doesn't know is that he's demisexual. Which means that he can't find anyone sexually appealing. (He's also a Yandere, so...) But now, he finally has what he wants. "H-h-hey tweek, w-w-what's on your neck" jimmy asks slowly, so you can understand his words. Tweek borrowed Craig's jacket because, 1) it will hide the hickeys better, 2) it's big on tweek so he has jacket paws, and 3) craig wants to see tweek in his clothes.

Tweek flushes and curls into Craig's side. Jimmy doesn't think much of the action since it normally happens when tweek gets embarrassed. Craig smirks, "They're hickeys." Tweek squeaks and shoves his face into Craig's chest. Jimmy looks dumbfounded by the small statement. Craig disides to further push it, just a little,"They were put there by me." Tweek's cheeks are as hot as a fireplace. He's sure his face is as red as a tomato. Jimmy let's out a small sigh in discontentment knowing his crush is taken. He would have figured he would date craig anyway. He seems to have more confidence anyway.

Clyde and token show at the lunch table soon after and seem a flustered tweek,smug craig, and an uncomfortable jimmy. "What happened?" Token asked, hoping to resolve the mixed energy in he air. Jimmy shook his head and replaced the frown on his face for a smile,"Tweek has hickeys on his neck." Clyde gasped and sat down next to token,"WHO GAVE YOU HICK-" Token was quick to slam his hand over Clyde's mouth.

Tweek finally calmed down enough to look at his friends. Clyde stood up from his seat and leaned across the table to pull down the jacket that his tweek's hickey covered neck. His eyes went wide as he showed token. Tweek looked away and a soft pink crept its way back to his cheeks. Clyde let go and the smaller boy readjusted the big jacket. "Who gave you hickeys? There is a fuck ton." Token said. Clyde sat back down. Craig tightened his grip on Tweek's waist. Tweek looked down and motioned his head to craig.

Token spuddered and Clyde burst out laughing. He was so loud that he got Stan's group attention, not that he cared. Token seemed to glare at craig a little. Just a warning glare. Craig nodded,"yep. Me and tweekers here are dating. Don't even try to take him away, if you do I'll break both your arms." Tweek snickered and nuzzled into craig. Craig felt more possessive ownership fill him. Tweek is HIS  and his alone. Finally, he can be at peace.

An idea suddenly popped into his mind. Tweek can't fully be his until he takes the smaller boys' virginity. Maybe he can get pregnant? But it would be easier to take care of tweek when they graduate. Then he can lock him up and nobody will take him away. Yes, that would be perfect. But for now, he will use protection. Don't want a kid too early on in their relationship. "Craig?" Tweek's soft tone took craig out of his thoughts. Tweek saw the same hunger he saw yesterday while craig was in thought. "Yes my love?" Craig kissed tweek and flipped off his friends who were 'Aww' and 'eww'ing.

Tweek flushed a pretty pink and shook his head. Lunch came and went without anymore news.

(( hello! Author here, should I have a smut scene? I can put a whole chappy where craig takes tweek's virginity. I don't have to,but I just wanna know if y'all will want it. Comment down below if I should. In the meantime, I will work on the other story! Ok, bye bye! <33))

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