Class Time

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  Craig stared out the window. School sucked balls. State testing was near and they had to review all the shit they learned over the year. Craig never understood why teachers were teaching the same shit they had to relearn over the year. Its not even like the fucking teachers remembered this shit. Besides that stupid crap, Craig really missed Tweek. Oh, he was the cutest little thing on the face of this plant. Maybe even space. He was short enough to were Craig so could easily hold, he had almost white-blond hair, beautiful,sparkly,big green eyes, peach pink lips, freckles, long,thick,dark eyelashes, which looked amazing when they were fanned out on his cheeks, and he had the best personality.

  Also Craig never admitted it, but he was very, very possessive. He one time beat the shit out of a bully for taking away Tweek's thermos. They never messed with Tweek or Craig again. Craig sighed deeply. This whole day was bullshit. He didn't like that Tweek was in separate classes. Especially since someone could swoop in and take him away. But Craig would kill that person....Anyway. Ugh, five more minutes of this crappy ass class, then Craig can see his little coffeebean. Then his phone buzzed. Thinking it was from Clyde or token,he opens it up. The message was from Tweek. The teacher didn't give two shits. She was as tired as the teens were.  

(( Sorry for not updating sooner. I will probably only update on weekdays. Also, I was in trouble yesterday for something, but I will post 2 chappy today))

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