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(( Ok, so this chappy is full of smut. I haven't wrote smut in like, a long time--4 years-- so it might not be good. I have been reading a lot of yandere smut type fics to study so hopefully it will help. K, I'm done warning and ranting! Enjoy~))


School ended agonizingly slow, well for tweek anyway. People saw the hickeys on his neck and asked him about them. Even cartman commented on it,"Damn, I didn't think the twink would get laid before the Jew." That of course lead to kyle kicking the fatass in the balls. It was funny until the girls asked tweek about them. He was mildly uncomfortable with answering questions that Bebe asked. Such as," Who gave you those?" Or " Did you lose your virginity? Is that why you have those on your neck?"

He quickly changed the topic of discussion to avoid actually saying the truth. Every girl wanted in Craig's pants so he didn't really want to tell them how craig tucker is gay for him. It was way too much pressure. Craig also has been really possessive. It's.....nice? It leaves tweek feeling better knowing that craig doesn't ever want anyone other than tweek. He also has a feeling that they'll move in together once they graduate from high school.

"Baby, you okay? What you thinking about?" Craig asked. They were currently laying on Craig's bad. Well, tweek was laying down, craig was on top of him again-marking him with fresher hickeys. Tweek fluttered his eyes and looked at craig. He whined and craig stopped marking him and started kissing deeply. The blond boy sighed and melted into it. The kisses became harsher and more passionate. Craig moved a hand up tweek's shirt causing the younger boy to gasp.

Taking the chance, the raven haired boy shoved his tounge in to explore his territory. Tweek made no effort to fight for dominance, letting craig do what he wants. This of course, made craig more than happy."Craig," he gasps, breaking off into a moan when teeth dig into the juncture where his neck and shoulder meet. He feels the rumble in the pit of his belly, shocked and mildly shamed by how hard he already is, but more eager than anything else; digging his nails into the wall and rocking back with a whimper when he feels the taller boy's cock rut up against his ass.

Craig almost growls as he tries to get the shirt off tweek. He's sure as happy the door is locked right now."Mine," Craig growls, his voice shredded and deep, so deep, reverberating through Tweek and stripping away his defenses the way he strips the smaller boy out of his shirt. The air is cold against his bare skin, the wall a shock when his nipples scrape against it. He jerks and shudders, moaning weakly.

"Thought you'd be gentler." Tweek whimpers."You think I have control of this?" Craig growls against his cheek. Tweek shudders and keens when fingers curl in the waistband of his loose shorts and drag them down with his boxers. His cock throbs, already wet at the tip; Craig's hand is so hot around him, so sure and steady as he works the blond boy into a babbling, broken mess."Do you have any idea how difficult  it's been, Tweek?" his boyfriend continues against the sensitive skin behind his ear. "Having you so close after last night and knowing I had to wait?"

Tweek whines feeling Craig's hand on his hard shaft,"Patience is a virtue," He retorts, but there's no heat in it. It's unfair just how easily Craig breaks him down until Tweek is weak and shaking. Craig's holding him up more, one arm wrapped around tweek's waist to keep him close while his other hand plays across his foreskin and pulls it back to get a better look at the wet, flushed head of his cock. He whines and rocks into the touch, starving for this.

"Fuck, C-craig, clothes," he whimpers, because he's completely naked and the older boy isn't, his shorts rough against Tweek's ass. Craig chuckles darkly at how ready tweek looks but isn't yet. Craig does take off his own shirt slowly and his shorts even slower to keep tweek needy.Craig said smoothly, quickly reaching for the lube he knew was in Tweek's nightstand.

"O-oh, God..." Tweek squirmed on his mat as Craig slathered his fingers with the tingling substance, inserting his longest finger in slowly. Tweek gasped, feeling his partner dig in and out and then curl down to hit his sweet spot. He bellowed, clenching his fists and toes, the state of euphoria had him drooling onto the bed beneath him. He was in so much pleasure that he didn't realize the addition of the second or third finger. His body so wanton, he mewled in slight disappointment as his boyfriend withdrew. Craig was at his limit. He wanted his Tweek NOW, and he knew Tweek was feeling as anxious as he was. He coated his dick in lube and lined it up at the entrance.



Craig slowly shoved in and waited for tweek to be ok. God, he was so tight. Tweek's nails started leaving marks as craig moved at a slow pace. The faster he went, the more scratches he got. Those marks will be worn with pride later on. Craig saw how tweek was no longer in pain but moaning in complete bliss. Craig's eyes turned dark as he knew how he was the only one to see tweek this way. To make him feel this way.


Tweeks pleasure suddenly spiked. Craig found his sweet spot. Aiming more to that spot he sped up, hitting tweek's prostate. Tweek was trying to keep quiet even if nobody was home. "No, let me hear your pretty noises. Don't you dare hide anything from me." Craig growled. With that tweek let out every pleasured noise that came from his throat. Tweek was close, so so close. Then the thrusting stopped. He whined in frustration. "Sorry, lovely but I want you on top of me." Craig panted realizing how good he actually felt.

Tweek sighed and nodded. They switched to were tweek sat on craig. Once he bottomed out, he moved slowly. His bouncing went faster." That's right honey, make yourself feel good." Craig purred. His dick accidentally came out of tweek a few times. Soon they both close. Tweek hit his sweet spot and it pushed him over the edge. Craig came deep inside the blond feeling the sudden tightness.

 Tweek got to lay down on the bed while craig promised to take care of his love. Once they were both clean and in pj's they layed sleepily on the bed. They really hadn't made any evidence of what they had did. "Was that good?" Craig asked. Tweek nuzzled into Craig's chest and nodded lazily,"Probably going to hurt tomorrow but it will be worth it." Craig chuckled as more possessiveness filled him,"Like the scratches on my back." Tweek whimpered,"I'm sorry." Craig shushed him,"No baby, I'm just kidding. I love how you showed how good you felt. Just like I bit and marked your neck."

Tweek smiled letting sleep take him over,"I love you." Craig felt his heart fill with love and he knew then and there that tweek was his forever. 'I will keep him safe." He thought before sleep also took him over.

<(>///-///<)> that was awful. ~(•w•)~ kill me. Lol! Until next chappy!

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