Chapter sixteen

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Pidge cracks open her eyes only to close them once more when the world decided to be a spin top and her brain felt as though it had a thick layer of fog around it. She brings a hand up to rest on her forehead begging the room to still. How can the room be spinning when her eyes were closed? That's just unfair.
She groans and with her other hand she grips the sheets that are wrapped tightly around her. "Wha-?" Panic begins to take the place of her confusion and she kicks her feet trying to get free. Suddenly a warm hand covers her clenched one.
"Shh- Hey, Pidge. It's okay." The owner of the warm hand says. Immediately Pidge recognizes the familiar voice and stills. "My head hurts." She whines pitifully, squeezing her eyes tighter. "Oh right! Allura said that might happen. Water will help. She said something about the healing pod taking all the excess water in your body." He goes on, clearly not in a rush to actually give Pidge the water.
"Lance. Water. Now." Pidge demands her eyes still closed, not having enough patience to be polite to the blue Paladin. "Here ya go." He says, taking her hand and putting a cold cup into it. She downs its contents quickly and almost immediately the spinning feeling stops.
She sighs in relief and opens her eyes. She's laying in a seemingly normal looking hospital bed, with crisp looking sheets wrapped almost to tightly under her arm pits all the way down to her feet. Lance is sitting to her left, and offers her a big toothy smile. "Morning." He offers. Pidge gives a tight smile back and rubs her head, trying to remember what happened.
Unconsciously her free hand lets go of the sheet and goes to rest on her belly. She gives it a gently rub only to find her swollen stomach gone. Her heart drops, everything coming back to her. "Maes! Where's Maes?" She shouts fighting to get up, but the sheets held her down. Who the quiznak tucked her in? She glares up at the Paladin as his strong hands come to rest on her shoulders, pushing her back into the mattress. "Woah woah, Maes is fine! He's with Allura and Shiro. If you just give me a second I'll go get them. You really shouldn't get up just yet." He pleads with her, his blue eyes wide as he tries to keep her laying down.
Pidge is just about to tell him to shove it and get up, when the door opens. Revealing a shocked looking Allura and a very concerned Shiro. "We heard shouting." Allura says, walking into the room with light almost silent steps holding a bundle of dark green cloth.
"Yeah, wacko over here is acting like I'm holding her prisoner." Lance complains, pulling his hands away from Pidge and crossing them in front of him. He takes a large step away from the bed so he isn't plowed over as the Black Paladin makes a bee line for the named prisoner. Shiro bends down to kiss her forehead, cupping her face with his human hand.
Pidge would have liked to take a moment to enjoy his touch but her main concern at the moment hadn't changed. "Maes?" She asks Shiro, pulling away to meet his gaze.
"He's perfectly fine Pidge, here see for yourself." Alluras voice rings out, beating Shiro in answering. She approaches the bed and holds out the bundle she carried ever so gently.
Doubt flashes through Pidge, her body still felt so weak. Could she reach out and grab the cloth? Thankfully she didn't have to find out, shiro reaches forward and took the bundle bringing it down to rest on Pidges chest.
With shaking fingers Pidge pulls back the dark material and would have collapsed with relief if she hadn't been already laying down. "He has your hair." She tell Shiro, rubbing her fingers softly over the baby's pile of straight black hair. "Yeah but he has your eyes." Shiro shoots back.
Sure enough Maes opens his eyes to reveal a shocking set of honey eyes, ones that almost match Pidges own shade for shade. "You took only the good stuff huh little lion." Pidge coos, she takes a corner of the dark blanket she fingers over it curiously looking up to Allura.
Already knowing her question the princess quickly explains. "The darker shades of green are used by alteans to welcome new life." Reaching out Allura softly strokes the soft material.
Pidge nods and pulls the blanket fully back, pulling out Maes hands and feet. Counting the digits on each one meticulously. "He's got all fingers and toes Katie. I know, because I already checked." Shiro tells her, chuckling.
After counting for her self she found her son to indeed have all ten fingers and toes. Maes, who had sat patiently through his mother's poking and prodding, let's out a single shrill cry. Wiggling his fists up and down.
"That would be the breakfast bell. I do believe he is hungry Pidge." Allura says, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as she smiled in amusement.
"I'll go tell the team you are awake, they've all been pretty worried." Lance explains, giving a small wave and taking his exit.
Uncertainty blooms in Pidges chest, will she be able to do this? "Er- I-" She stutters, her checks growing warm.
"Don't worry Pidge. I'll walk you through it! It will be absolutely fine." Allura reassures the young mom. 


Shiro takes Maes from Pidge after he had eaten his full and gently bounces him, hoping to get a burp.
"You did great Pidge! And it will be even easier next time." Allura explains.
Truthfully it had been relatively easy, almost natural. Which was just as it should be to an extent. Pidge gives the Princess a smile, silently thanking her.
Pidge had just covered herself up when the doors to the room slid open. Shiro quickly looks back at Pidge concern flashing in his dark gaze, only to relax once he saw she was decently covered and went back to bouncing.
Lance walks in with Keith, Hunk, Coran, and Lotor in tow. "My my He looks just like a baby yepper!" Coran exclaims, going up to Shiro and peering close. Allura comes up behind him and elbows him in the side. "That's a good thing." Corans says indigently, his face screwing up as he rubs the spot that Allura hit. He retreats slightly to let the others get a look at the new member.
Lotor seems content to watch from a distance and gives Pidge a small nod before going to stand by Allura and Coran.
Hunk is next to get a view of Maes and he aws and coos accordingly. "What kind of food should I make him? Banana bread? You like banana bread don't you Shiro? Maybe Maes will too. Or Birthday cake? It is his birthday after all." He rambles, picking up Maes's hand and dropping it experimentally.
"Hunk. Babies can't have solid food." Keith tells the overly excited Paladin. Coming up to get a look at the baby. "He's got your hair, Shiro." Keith says softly. Shiro smiles back in acknowledgment but keeps bouncing giving the baby's back a couple pats.
Finally Maes let's out a hearty burp, that's seemed way to big for such a small body.
"Ah just like your Uncle Hunk." The yellow Paladin says, nodding his head.
"Hey can his middle name be Lance?" Lance asks following Shiro, as the older man goes to give Maes back to Pidge.
In unison the room choruses in a collective "No." Lance rolls his eyes, looking anything but discouraged. "You're missing out Maes, Lance is a great name."
Pidge takes Maes from Shiro, relishing in the fact that her son seemed to fit perfectly in her arms. "Sorry Lance, but Shiro and I have already agreed on a middle name." She explains, as if thats was the only reason they couldn't have Lance as a middle name.
Maes, who by now is more than a little milk drunk, fights hard to keep his eyes open but they sway and droop dangerously. Pidge smiles at her son and rubs his cheek, glancing up to meet the teams waiting stares.
"His name is, Maes Samuel Holt. After my father." Just telling her team her babies name made Pidge feel such a strong sense of pride. Maes curls his lips in a small heart stopping smile, before loosing to his sleep. Pidges eyes tear up and she quickly rubs at them, her cheeks heating up in embarrassment. After saying a quick round of congratulations the team leaves to let the little family to rest.


Enjoy this new chapter, and make sure to leave alike and comment^^

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