My Life in Snapshots

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If I could capture my life in snapshots

You would be my favorite photograph

Under it, the caption would be:

Someone with the most ineffable beauty.

I love that word, ineffable

It thoroughly defines you, indescribable

Seems like no word could ever justify you

You're far beyond speech, far beyond virtue

If I could download scenes from my memory

I'd be playing ours in a high-def TV

Especially the moment you kissed me in the rain

That time we walked for miles and I didn't mind the pain

I was wearing my high heels then, my bad

We were stranded in the flu-infested flood

Yet, I wasn't sad, not angry either

'Cause you were with me in that shitty weather

And if I could record any sound, any song

Your voice would be on replay all day long

I'd listen to your "I love you" over and over

And as finale, it would be your "forever"

Yes, forever sounds like a fairy tale

Looks like a story doomed to fail

But I believed you when you said we are eternal

We are infinite, our love is immortal

Our love is ageless, we are timeless

It is an affirmation, more than a yes

And if the flukes of the universe would let us grow together

There would be a picture of us,

holding hands on our rocking chairs

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