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Warnings!! Mentions of child abuse.

Virgil stared at Patton as he pointed at the purple patches on his hoodie, "what colour is that?" Patton asked his eyes wide and innocent and Roman merely smirked. "It's purple." Virgil answered confused and Patton eyes grew wide with the biggest smile.. " it's so pretty! So much better than blue!" He giggled but then grew pale and looked around.

"P-please don't say I said that!" He panicked, tears almost falling out his eyes and Virgil panicked and when to wipe them away but Roman glared.
"Hey hey.. there no need to cry!" Virgil said waving his hands in front of him and Patton sniffed." You'll.. keep it quiet?" Virgil nodded and Roman rolled his eyes." Hmm.. but imagine all the people I can tell-" Virgil yet again swatted him hard in the gut. "Ow.. jeez Virgil I was joking.." Patton smiled widely.

"How do you not know what purple is?" Virgil asked ignoring Roman dry heaving and Patton looked at him. "Well it's not an Scottish colour." He placed an finger on his chin." Or on any flag I know of." Virgil rolled his eyes he really should've know that was the answer. Patton kept staring at the colour. "It is really pretty." Roman stole an piece of Virgil's chocolate bar and munched on it." You can make the colour you know." He spoke while chewing and Virgil grimace..

"Make it?" He asked and Roman nodded "yeah!" Roman smiled and Patton smiled back. Virgil stuck the rest of the bar in his mouth. "Just mix red and blue paint together."

Patton smiled even wider and he smiled. "America and Scotland mix together to make the pretty colour!"

Virgil and Roman stared at Patton as he giggled loudly, Virgil heart skipped an beat as Virgil realised what he meant. He was willing to accept other nations and people..

He really didn't like this society.


Virgil smiled broke and he glared and saw Logan glaring down at him. Patton smiled also fell and he weakly smiled at Logan. "Hiya logie!" He weakly chirped and Logan just glared at Roman and Virgil. "Why are you talking with the pigs?" He asked and Patton looked down.

"I.. I had no one to sit with.." Patton excused weakly and Logan stared at him." You could've been with me." Patton looked down. Roman glared at Logan. "He wanted to sit with us. Leave him alone." He growled and Logan glared harshly at Roman." No one asked you." Virgil glared back. Patton stood up "Logan stop it." He murmured and Logan stared at him.

"I want to be friends with them." He said and Logan glared at Patton for once. "Yer kidding.. hanging around wae pigs." Logan snorted loudly." They don't deserve yer pity Patton." Patton looked down and Virgil felt sorry for Patton as he battled with Logan.

The lunch bell rang and Patton used that as an excuse to run away, Logan give an knowing look and walked away, Roman stood up and glared."really started to hate that guy." He explained and Virgil nodded.



Patton ran home, he ran past the crowds that flooded the streets and school, he ran down the street that was packed with Scottish brands and that one cat that sat near his gate.

He ran inside the house and he ran upstairs and shoved off his bag and blazer, he shoved on an plain t-shirt and kept his school trousers on and walked down stairs when he began to clean the dishes and do his evening chores.

"Hello sweetie!" His mother chirped as she saw the clean kitchen and dishes, Patton smiled "alright mum." She smiled and placed down plastic bags filled with food." Sweetie it's your turn to make dinner tonight!" Patton sighed but quickly shut up as she saw his mother glare.

"Yeah thanks." His father walked in and sat down on the Table." Hello son." Patton smiled and started cutting and peeling potatoes. "Alright?" His father smiled "how was school?" Patton stopped but then started up again. "It's was alright we have new students."

"Hmm that right?" Patton nodded. "Aye there American-" he said but then dropped the knife as his parents froze.
Oh.. no

"AMERICAN! AMERICAN IN AN SCOTTISH SCHOOL!" Patton father cried and Patton froze his mother stared at Patton. "You didn't speak to them did you?" Patton felt dread in his stomach and felt his eyes tear up, he wasn't an good lier and he knew his mum would see through anything.

"I had to show them around-" Patton said honestly and his father stood up as grabbed him by the shoulders" you had to do what?!" He screamed in his face and Patton whimpered." T-the teacher told me."


Patton fell onto the ground with an red sore cheek, his father glared down at him and Patton whimpered even more. "You spoke to them more didn't you?" He kicked in Patton's arms and he screamed more. "Didn't ye?" Patton shouted "aye!" Patton eyes flooded with tears and they fell out of his eyes." I sat with them at lunch! I learned an new colour!" He whimpered and his father kicked into his face more and Patton vision flooded into black when his father hit it his eyes.

"Get back up and finish that dinner and get to yer room I don't even want to look at ye." Patton shakily stood and tried to calm his shaky hands as he held the knife. "Yer an disappointment."


Patton walked into the school court room and heard an familiar voice cry. "Heya Patton!" He turned around and saw Roman and Virgil, he looked down trying to cover the damage his father did. They walked to him and Virgil looked confused" you alright?" Patton nodded but Roman stared

"No your not." Patton flinched and Roman lifted up his chin and the two gasped. Patton face was cut and his nose was croaked, his eye was dark blue and had purple bruising and Virgil stared.

But Patton smiled sadly

"I have the pretty colour on my face now."


D: I'm so bad omg 

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