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An now yesterday passed and here came the day of the school trip, Patton was running ahead laughing, the sky was full blue and not an single cloud was in the sky, Roman and Virgil sighed trying to get up the steep hill of the loch but Patton and Logan had no problem running up it.

"Huff, huff." Roman groaned and Virgil fell onto his back once they were at the top, the other students of the class including Logan laughing at the "pigs." Struggling to climb, Roman rubbed his neck groaning glaring harshly at the students.

I didn't sign up for this..

He started at the white bandaging on his arm, and exhaled closing his eyes but I'll get it done for you I guess.. yes Roman had been to the loch before but he never had to walk it always having an private ride it was one of the many perks in past life. He sighed and Patton ran up to his arm pulling him. "Ah look how pretty it is!"

"The fresh clean air! The blue skies and water!" His accent was clearly shown as his excitement shown and Virgil smiled fondly at the boy, "yeah it's nice.." Roman shrugged not really bothering, he seemed distant to Virgil and Patton as he kept staring off in space.

We don't have time left.. the words of his visitor in blue kept racing in his head, they were at stage two already he had met them and- he looked around the loch, stage three was ready to happen.. but he purses his lips out he'll have to have an meeting with him tonight. He looked at Patton and Virgil who were flashing worried looks at him.

I don't know how to help grieving..

"Ro,you okay ?" This seemed to snap Roman back into 'reality.' As he faced Patton and Virgil an sad smile on his face." Never better."

Soon the class was walking and exploring the loch it was long and boring to the two Americans however Patton and Logan were happily chatting excited, once lunch and such was are they were allowed to explore in there own, Patton grabbed onto Logan's arm and pulled him to see the passing lake, Logan was smiling in content as Patton hadn't Moved his hand and was happily chatting away to him, the lake was an bit away and they were too close to the edge even an little gush of wind would be deadly however Roman just stared.. waiting.

Virgil watched as Logan and Patton were close, an bit too close for his comfort knowing that Logan is twisted to Patton as he was an weak and easy target, he walked up to Patton having every intention to pull Patton away but an sudden sharp pain in his skull stopped moments.



"Virgil.. please wake up.."

"I'm so sorry."

The voice was loud in his head and he groaned stumbling forward gaining Patton's attention." Vir-" suddenly the ground crumbled like an cake and Patton was falling, falling in front of Virgil eyes. "P-pat!" He screamed the voice in his head louder and louder to the point it was screaming.


"I'll miss you if you go."

Roman stared everyone else around felt like an blur, he could hear the voice begging and crying and he stared down at the white bandage again his heart tearing as Logan and Virgil both jumped to save Patton.  Virgil managed to grab onto Patton's arm as Logan full body plunged into the cold deep water, Patton screaming like the voice in virgil head and Roman kissed the white bandage slowly walking away from the hysterical Patton and the weak Virgil.

"Stage three complete."


I really don't have anything against Logan but I love drowning him for some reason.. :0 any way we are halfway and the mysteries are gonna be relieved

Also can you guess who the man in blue is and the voices ?

Slice my heart open. FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now