Home Sweet Kansas - Chapter 8

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Colby's p.o.v

I know I agreed to stay in L.A but it's just gotten too much to handle, I was racing around my room while phoning for a taxi to the airport. I packed all the essentials and headed out, I also phoned my mom and told her I was on my way, she was excited.

I left sam a note saying :

Sam, I know I promised to stay in la but I just couldn't do it, I've gone back to Kansas for a while. I hope you aren't reading this note and thinking it's your fault cause it's not please don't be angry, I just needed some space and time. I hope you can try to understand my reasons for leaving even if you don't agree.

Love Colby X

All on the plane I thought about the note would it be enough, would they understand, more importantly was sam mad at me now ?
All the questions I couldn't get answers to.

Sam's p.o.v

I woke up and stumbled my way straight into colby's room, I had no idea if he would even be up, I looked around and he wasn't anywhere to be seen.
I started thinking the worst had he walked too far and got exhausted, had he thought it was enough and ended his life ?

All the questions running through my mind that I couldn't get answers to. I called him but he didn't pick up, now I began to worry. I checked his closet and all his clothes were gone.
Then I found the note on his bedside table and it was addressed to me

It said :
Sam, I know I promised to stay in la but I just couldn't do it, I've gone back to Kansas for a while. I hope you aren't reading this note and thinking it's your fault cause it's not please don't be angry, I just needed some space and time. I hope you can try to understand my reasons for leaving even if you don't agree.

Love Colby X

I began to feel betrayed and hurt that he didn't want to stay here, I knew part of it was to do with me.

I walked downstairs and all the roommates were sat in the living room playing the Xbox or just eating

"He's gone" I said very depressed

"What's happened now ?" Elton asked

"Nothing, but colby's gone" I said sitting on the sofa surrounded by the roommates and staring at the paper I had been reading over and over again.

Elton took the note out of my hand

"Oh damn, you're right, he's gone" elton said looking at me as I stared straight ahead

"I know it's my fault" I said feeling upset

"But he says it's not your fault" Corey said reading the note over Elton's shoulder

"Of course it's my fault and he probably never wants anything to do with me now" I said feeling even more depressed

"So you're just going to give up ?" Aaron asked me

"What ?" I said

"It's obvious what's going on, he's just recovering from an accident, he's gonna need all the friends and family he can get" Aaron continued to say.

"Are you saying I should follow him to Kansas ?" I asked

"Yeah being back there might make him understand it more" Aaron said and everyone stared at him.

So without even giving it a second thought I got dressed, packed my bags and booked a ticket to Kansas.

Colby's p.o.v

I got off the plane and waited for my dad to come and pick me up he told me he wasn't far so I sat on a bench outside after 5 minutes I saw him pull up

"How you doin, son ?" He asked hugging me tight

"Well I could be better" I told him as I hugged him back but soon had to break from the hug to stop the hurting.

"You still in pain, son ?" He asked as he could tell something was wrong

"Yeah just a little" i said

"Well, you're mom is looking forward to see you, she is going crazy" he said and I knew my mom would want all the details

I go in the car and we drove home on the way I checked my phone I had 25 messages (voice messages) and 30 missed calls all from sam. I bet he's mad. We arrived at the home in Kansas and my mom came running out the door she hugged me so tight I could barely breathe

"Mom, I'm kinda struggling to breathe here" I said and she must have realised that she was holding me too tight and she let go

"Lets get you inside, it's so good to have you home" she said as we all walked into the house and shut the door.

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Also check out my other book - Feels Like Love Brolby story-



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