Telling Our Families - Chapter 10

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Sam's p.o.v

Me and Colby have been in Kansas for a week now and even though we updated Twitter the fans were going insane. Some people thought someone died, some people thought we quit YouTube and some even thought we weren't friends anymore. I had been at my mom's house for a hour now, Colby was resting up at his house.

"I'm happy to see you but why did you guys come back ?" Said my mom standing in the kitchen as I was sat on the kitchen table.

"Colby needed to get away, he got in an accident" I said very briefly.

"How is Colby now ?" She asked looking pretty concerned

"Yeah he's ..., well I think he's okay" I said unsure of how Colby actually was as he never spoke about his feelings.

"Are you staying here ?" She asked

"Ermmm no, I'm gonna stay at colby's till we go back to la" I said

"Mom can we talk ?" I said and she came and sat next to me

"Sure, what's wrong ?" She asked looking at me like I was fragile.

I spoke to Colby just before I came here and we agreed to finally make things official, we were going to tell our parents we had decided to be together.

"What's wrong ?" She asked even more concerned than before

"It's about Colby and ........" I took a long pause very scared to tell her about how I felt

"Just tell me, your making me nervous" she said looking like she was about to cry

"I broke up with Katrina because.....I like........Colby" I said hoping she wouldn't shout my dad and make it a big issue

"So are you guys, together ?" She asked in a soothing tone

"Yeah, I think we are together, does that bother you ?" I asked afraid of the answer.

"I really don't care, you're still my son and I love you regardless" she said and we both sat there for another ten minutes having deep chats.

Colby had been blowing up my phone I had about 10 text messages saying

- are you okay ? Xx -
- what happened ? Xx -
- What did your mom say ? Xx -

So I hurried back to tell him in person.

Colby's p.o.v

I had been texting sam for a while and he didn't answer me back, something went wrong I just know it.

Suddenly he came bursting through the door and into our living room, my whole family were out so we had the place to ourselves.

"What happened ?, You couldn't text me back to let me know it was fine" I said panicking

"Yes everything is fine and I lost track of time, I'm sorry" he said which made me feel a little better about telling my family.

Sam had told his mom about us and she was completely fine with it, I had no idea he or I felt this way for each other til he told me and I crashed my car.

We had been sitting on the couch cuddling for what seemed like forever and that's the only place I wanted to be.

Suddenly we heard the front door open.

"Colby, sam are you guys here ?" My mom questioned

"Yeah we are in here" I said now sitting a bit away from sam as my family didn't know we were a thing.

"Good , are you boys busy ?" She asked and normally when she said that it's because she wanted help with something.

"Not really, what's up ?" I asked and sam looked at me as If to say are you going to tell them.

My dad walked in shortly after and sat in the armchair, over the other side of the room.

"Would you help me carry the groceries in ?" She asked so me and sam got up to help her.

"Mom can we talk in a bit though ?" I asked her as we grabbed the bags from the car.

"Yes of course, honey" she said embarrassing me in front of sam.

After unpacking all the bags we sat in living room where my dad had been watching tv.

"Is Gage home ?" I asked, mom shouted him and he came running down the stairs

"I'm here mom, what's up ?" He said bursting in the room

"Your brother wants to tell us something" she said and he sat next to her looking tuned in to what I had to say.

"Well, after my accident I realised something that I hadn't even thought about before" I said riddling them and stalling.

"Just tell us" my dad said

"Okay me and sam, we're together as in a couple" I said holding his hand

"That's great" gage said looking really happy for us

"If you're happy I am too" my mom said and then I turned to my dad but his face told me all I needed to know

"YOU WHAT ?!!!!" He shouted standing up from his chair

"We love each other" I said as my dad got closer to my face

"LEAVE !" He shouted at me and sam

"What ?" I asked more shocked than anything

"LEAVE MY HOUSE, NOW !!" He shouted again, we packed our bags and headed to Sam's house.

Hope you enjoy. Next chapter will be telling friends.
Will colby's dad ever let it go to be in his son's life or is it the end of a father/son relationship ?
Let me know what you think in the comments
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Also check out my Brolby story Feels Like Love


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