Telling Our Fans - Chapter 12

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Colby's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch, I guess I didn't go to bed last night, I couldn't see sam so maybe he did. I got up fetched a glass of water and some aspirin from the kitchen.
I heard Elton in the garage, exactly what I expected.

* Two Hours Later *

Sam comes stumbling down the stairs maybe he has a worser hangover than me. I watched as he entered the kitchen, maybe he didn't know I stayed down here that's why he didn't speak.

"Hey, morning" I said hugging him from behind as he stood next to the kitchen counter looking through the cupboards

"Morning, can you let go please ?" He asked and that's when I knew he was mad

"Okay, What did I do ?" I asked as I literally had no clue

"Colby you're evil dude" elton said coming out the garage to go to the toilet

"What did I do ?" I asked again but sam seemed to refuse to answer me by ignoring me

"Elton, what did I do ?" I asked the only person up and talking to me.

"You don't remember" he said sounding like I should remember

"No can you tell me ?" I asked him

"You may have told kat that she lost sam and then you tried to get sam to go skinny dipping with you but he went to bed so you went with some guys and girls from the party"
He said and I was disappointed in myself I had let sam down, sam was now sat in the living area with a bowl of cereal watching tv.

"Dude you were up til 2 am" elton continued before leaving me and sam alone.

"Sam, I'm sorry for what I did" I said kneeling down in front of him

"Are you though ?" He asked I finally got him to speak

"Yes truly, I will apologise to kat as soon as it gets a bit lighter outside cause she still might be asleep" i told him and he looked pretty happy about that.

"Okay" He said as I snuggled up to him

Aaron and Corey were the next two people to come downstairs.

"You had a wild night, didn't you ?" Corey asked

"How's your head colby ?" Aaron asked me

"Ok, I was drunk last night, I'm sorry being an asshole" I said walking outside, sitting at the edge of the pool by myself.

After a few minutes sam came and sat next to me.

Sam's P.O.V

Really I shouldn't have been off with Colby I knew he was having a rough time but he didn't realise I was too. Admitting your love for someone isn't easy especially when it's the same gender and your best friend.

"You okay ?" I asked while sitting next to him.

"Yeah I'll be fine" he said looking really down.

"I love you" i said while kissing him on the cheek.

"Still ?" He questioned

"Of course, I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it" I told him and he had that cute little smile on his face.

"I love you too" he said and we sat there for about an hour just talking about us

* 5 hours Later *

Colby's P.O.V

We had been in la for a whole day and we hadn't revealed to the fans we were together.

This weeks sam and Colby video was going to be about us.

"You ready to film" I asked as sam walked into my bedroom.

"Yeah, are you ready ?" He asked me the same question.

"No going back now" I said as I turned the camera on.

We sat there stalling at first answering fan questions we had been getting.

"Time to get serious, now guys" sam said to the camera

"Guys we do have some news, it might not be what you are expecting" I said following Sam's previous statement

"Guys me and Colby...." sam began to say.

"We're together" I said as sam had frozen.

"Be nice in the comments and we will be on twitter for an hour after this video goes up and we might follow some of you" sam said now unfrozen

We didn't edit this video we wanted it to be real and raw.
We uploaded it straight away and headed to twitter.  We were sat on my bed hanging out reading the tweets about our video.

One tweeted : I knew sam and Colby would get together, they are so cute #congratsguys

Another tweeted : My mom said this is wrong but all I see is true love, you guys have my full support #solbyforever

Another tweeted : won't be watching your channels anymore, my brought me up the right way.

To be honest we were bound to get some bad tweets but who cares me and sam put our phones down and cuddled on my bed for the rest of the day.

Hope you enjoy
Comment your favourite part and any ideas you have I may use them
Will Colby resolve things with his father ?
Share and check out my other story it's Brolby Feels Like Love


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