Chapter 1

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Bella's POV

It's 2 am and I'm laying awake thinking about everything going wrong in my life. I hate nights like these, the nights I feel so miserable I wonder if I can handle things how they are for much longer.

I haven't ever told someone how I feel. Why? Well, I'm alone. I have no one. I guess that's not exactly true. I do have a friend of mine but she has a lot of things going on too and I don't want to be a burden or make her worry. So I just keep things to myself while I slowly feel myself drowning in thoughts.

At some point in the night I must've fell asleep because next thing I know the sun is shining bright in my room. I open my eyes and then close them again, wishing to still be asleep. Wishing it could be any day but today.

Today is moving day. My mom whom I rarely get along with got a huge promotion but it means moving all the way to California. I'm pretending to be happy for her and of course she doesn't see through my act. No one ever can. I've mastered the whole pretending to be happy thing. Maybe this will give me a fresh start but my past and my thoughts I'm sure will follow me and so I don't see what the point of being hopeful is. I don't see anything but perhaps the warmer weather making me happier.

I finally jump out of the car after way too many hours stuck with my mom and breathe deeply. All her and I do is argue so I'm desperately craving some peace and quiet. I look around, taking in the sunny Cali sights. We do have an awfully large house now... hm, maybe this won't be so bad after all. The larger the house, the more places I can go to avoid my mom.

I walk up to my new room where a bed is already set up. I lay down and almost immediately fall asleep.

-Next Day-

I wake up and start thinking again. I'm so scared that I'm gonna meet some great people here but then they're going to hurt me and leave me just like all my other friends have. Or that kids are going to bully me or even ignore me. After everything that's happened to me, I have a bit of social anxiety. Talking in front of a class or in front of large groups of people really isn't my thing. I hate feeling like people are judging me even though I know that's just human nature.

I shower, straighten my hair and get dressed. I yell to my mom that I'm going to go walk around the neighbourhood and see what's around and I walk out the door. Just 3 blocks away I spot a Starbucks and inside I scream, "YES!" I go inside and order a tall mocha frappucino. In front of me is a super pretty girl, who I assume is around my age. She notices me.

"Hi," she says.

"Um, hey.." I respond, kinda surprised she said anything to me but also pretty happy.

"I'm Lauren. I've never seen you here before, are you new?"

I smile. "My name's Bella and yeah, my mom and I just moved here yesterday actually. We're from Seattle and I gotta say, it is soooo much different here. Much hotter too."

Lauren laughs and I laugh a bit too. Suddenly my phone buzzes and I look down, my mom is calling.

"I'm sorry but I have to answer this, I'll be right back!" I say, getting up and answering my phone.

"Hi Mom."

"WHERE ARE YOU?!" She screams into the phone.

"I'm at Starbucks, why? I told you I was going out." I respond.

"You get your butt home right now Isabella Marie!!" She yells and hangs up.

I sigh, holding back a few tears and walk back to Lauren. She looks up at me and I'm pretty sure she can tell I'm trying not to cry.

"I'm so sorry Lauren but I have to go," I say as I grab my frapp. She nods and writes her number on my hand.

"Text me sometime, I'd love to hang out again and maybe introduce you to some people." I smile and wave, then I run home. I'm afraid of what I supposedly did wrong this time. Knowing my mom, there's no way to tell what I did but obviously it's something. I'm just hoping things don't go too badly...


This is the very first fanfic I've ever written and I'm hoping it turns out good. I do have an idea of where I'm going to take this story and I will try to post new chapters as often as possible. Hope you enjoy reading this story and feel free to comment! :)


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