Chapter 6

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Bella's POV

Dani lets me in.

"Yay, you're here! Hey everyone, Bella's here!!" she exclaims happily.

All the other girls run in and they hug me.

I must say, it's so nice being cared about. Things sure aren't normally like this. I smile realizing that maybe moving to Cali was a great thing. I have a new beginning.

"To the van!" Amy says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

We all run out and I end up sitting between Lauren and Lisa.

We get to the mall and pile out of the van. Katherine, Amy, and Dani choose to go to H&M first while Lisa, Christina, Lauren and I go into Forever 21.

"I could seriously live in this store," I say truthfully.

"Agreed!" all 3 of them say.

I grab a super cute baby doll tank and a pair of leggings to try on. Christina has some dresses and so does Lisa while Lauren has some super cute pairs of shorts and a t-shirt.

We go into the fitting room promising that we'd all come out at the same time and show each other our outfits.

I put the leggings and the tank on and look in the mirror. I like it a lot actually. This shirt seems to fit me perfectly.

"You three come on out," Lisa tells us.

I walk out and they look at me nodding.

"That looks perfect on you!" Christina says.

"You gotta get those," both Lisa and Lauren tell me.

"We all should get what we're wearing right now cause I'd say we all look gorgeous," I wink and everyone smiles and agrees.

Lisa starts giving me a funny glance though. It's like she's concerned or something.

I don't get it though, why would she be? Everything is actually going pretty good for once!

I go back into my fitting room and put my own clothes back on. Then I walk out with the sisters and go to the checkout where we all buy our new things. Lauren also gets a new necklace, it's super pretty!

We decide to go meet the others for frozen yogurt so Christina texts Amy.

We see them and wave. I put the glance from Lisa out of my mind.

"Hey guys!" I say as they get close, "How was H&M?"

"Awesome!! I got a few new shirts," Dani says happily.

"So did I," Katherine tells us.

We get frozen yogurt and then sit down at a large enough table.

"All I see is mounds of chocolate Dani," Christina says laughing at her sister's choice of froyo.

We all laugh along as Dani playfully gets defensive.

"Well hey, one of us has to be the chocolate addict."

We head to a few others stores after that and decide to head home.

"I'll be right there, I'm just gonna go to the washroom first," I tell them.

"Hold up, I gotta go too so I'll come with you," Lisa says. I nod and we tell the others we'll meet them at the van.

Lisa looks at me and quietly says, "Who hurt you Bella?"

I look truly confused. How could she tell..? And who is she talking about? A lot of people have hurt me and I have no idea how she found out so I don't know who she means.

"Um, what?" I ask her.

"You have a bruise on your shoulder. I saw it in Forever 21 when we were trying on clothes. How did you get it?"

Crap. How am I supposed to explain this? I don't really want to say.

Lauren knows about my mom but not about the abuse. Do I dare tell Lisa or maybe I should just brush it off...

"It's... nothing Lisa. I'm fine."

"No you're not and I won't allow you to lie about this. It's serious. I care and want to help you. When we get back to my house we can take a walk and talk, okay?"

I take a deep breath and nod. I'm so scared to tell her. What will she do? And what will happen to my mom??


Hey everyone!

I already have 48 views and idk, that just makes me so happy to know people are actually reading my story. I'm totally open to comments or suggetions so feel free!

I'm trying to write and post 1 or 2 chapters a day for all of you! It takes a lot of time but is really fun to write.

I really appreciate all of you who read this. Love you all!


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