Chapter 4

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Bella's POV

We have what is definitely the best chocolate cake ever for dessert and then Katherine and Amy go to do the dishes.

Lauren gets up and I follow.

"I'll show you around my house if you'd like!" she says.

"Sure," I respond.

We walk upstairs first and walk into a room that has 1 bunk bed and 1 regular bed.

"So this is the room that Christina, Katherine, and Amy share," she says, "Christina's the oldest so she gets the single bed of course."

I nod and look around. Christina seems to have a lot of clothes, Katherine sure has a lot of notebooks and Amy has a guitar sitting on her top bunk.

We walk out and then into another room. I figure it's the other girls' room.

"So this is Lisa, me and Dani's room. This is my bunk," Lauren says as she points it out. I really love her blue comforter and I tell her so. She smiles and thanks me. Gosh, what I wouldn't give to live here with a nice family.

We exit and go back downstairs and into a room that has my jaw dropping. There's a piano, guitar and microphones.

"My sisters and I love singing. We don't do it in front of others really but when we get inspired, bored, or stressed we come in here and sing. I love music," Lauren tells me.

"I love music too!"

"Lauren! Can you come into the kitchen for a few minutes?" Christina yells.

"Sure!" she says then turns to me, "Do you wanna just stay here until I get back?" I nod and she leaves.

I sit thinking for a minute then decide to sing a little. I never do it except when alone but the house is so noisy that I doubt anyone would hear me. A few tears slip down as I sing.

Every day is so wonderful

Then suddenly, it's hard to breathe.

Now and then, I get insecure from all the pain

I'm so ashamed

I am beautiful

No matter what they say

Words can't bring me down

I am beautiful in every single way

Yes, words can't bring me down. Oh no.

So don't you bring me down today.

Suddenly I hear someone start to sing behind me. I turn around and I'm pretty sure her name is Lisa. She must've heard me singing. Gosh, her voice is so perfect. (A.N.: Bella sings in bold and Lisa in italics)

To all your friends, you're delirious.

So consumed in all your doom

Trying hard to fill the emptiness

The pieces gone, left the puzzle undone,

Is that the way it is?

You are beautiful

No matter what they say

Words can't bring you down, oh no

You are beautiful in every single way

Yeah, words can't bring you  down, oh no

So don't you bring me down today.

I smile with a few tears falling and sing some more with Lisa echoing.

No matter what we do (no matter what we do)

No matter what we say (no matter what we say)

The sun will always shine (the sun will always always shine)

And tomorrow we might wake on the other side

We are beautiful no matter what they say

Yes words won't bring us down, no no

We are beautiful in every single way

Yes words can't bring us down, oh no

So don't you bring me down today

Oh yeah, don't you bring me down today, yeah ooh

Don't you bring me down, ooh today

Lisa and I actually harmonize on the last chorus. We finish and I look at her, tears streaming down my face. Ugh, I hate crying in front of people. Lisa does seem really nice though...

Lisa's POV

When I heard Bella singing in the room alone my first thoughts were man, is she good. I had to go see for myself.

I love the song Beautiful by Christina Aguilera so I decided to join in, she didn't seem to mind. And the lyrics are true, I really hope she believes what we are singing.

We finish the song and I look into her eyes. I can tell she hates that she's crying but I don't mind. I sit down next to her and wrap my arm around her.

"That was really good Bella, you have such an amazing voice," I tell her. It's definitely the truth.

"Th-thank you," Bella says shyly.

I can tell she doesn't think so. But also... something more seemed wrong. I can tell when a person is trying to be okay when they're really not. I did that constantly when I was her age.

"Hey, I know you don't know me that well yet but if you want to talk, I'll always be here to listen."

Bella looks at me with sad eyes and shakes her head.

"I'm fine," she lies.

I figure she's scared to open up. Maybe one day she'll trust me and I can help her. She seems so sweet and nice but also how do I put it... broken inside.

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