00 - Prologue

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Keith was a lot of things. He was courageous, agile, and astounding. He could take a crowd's breath away with a flip of his raven-colored locks. But, there is one thing he never the best at: asking for help.

For the most part, he could get away with saying "I'm fine" and not one person would bat an eye at the orphaned kid. That is, until he came under the watchful eyes of his surrogate brothers Shiro and Adam.

Shiro was different than the others; he didn't persistently pester Keith like James and Lance, nor did he ignore him like Hunk and the rest of the Garrison. He was kind and actually seemed interested in what Keith had to say. He promised to never give up on Keith, no matter how stubborn he got. Adam, Shiro's fiancé, was a little harsher on the kid, but he seemed to have a soft spot for him somewhere in his heart.

And yet, Keith still hid behind the walls he built up. He couldn't and wouldn't trust anyone but himself with the secrets of his past. Behind all the twisted scars and pale skin hid a small boy, lost and alone in the coldness of his loneliness. It isn't that he wanted to be alone; more that his walls were too strong for even him to pass.

But...is it possible for a new face to break the barriers?

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