~ Chapter One ~

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Thank you for clicking read! I hope you enjoy the story! I will update at least once a week.

Rain and thunder fall onto the roof of the school. The silence in the room could be cut with even the bluntest of knives. Pitter patter of the rain seemed to get louder as the teacher began handing out the examinations. Pitter patter there's a test on her desk. Pitter patter there's eyes watching from behind her back, knowingly stalking her. She doesn't dare to look up but rather gaze at the piece of thin white paper on her desk.

Hearing the thunder roar sends a chill up her spine and causes her body to silently shiver. She glances up to meet the teachers stone cold eyes and then back down to her paper. She didn't study or practice for this. Picking up the pen in hand and writing her name down she felt her shoulders go heavy.

Eyes burning into the back of her soul, or rather whats left of it. Biting her lip the girl tried answering the questions. She was two lines down when she felt the softest tap on her cheek. falling with a silent tap on her desk was a small piece of torn paper. She didn't glance to see who had tossed it but rather open it there and then.

Her eyes seemed to well up and she scrunched it in her balled fist. Anger seeping through her veins and turned in her seat with eyes of blazing fury. Her doe-brown eyes met the sharp blue icy ones of the girl sat in the far back. Her pale skin playing with her locks as her pink lips curled into a knowing smirk.

The girl was going to throw the paper back at her but before she could even move an inch the icy blue-eyed girl raised her hand and with a knowing grin of doom she spoke to the teacher.

"Sir, Sophia is trying to copy me!" She pouted like a child.

Sophia was enraged. She turned to the front of the classroom and glared up at the teacher. He walked over to her and gave her a warning before looking up at the girl who had made the accusation.

"Emily if you were concentrating on your test you wouldn't have seen Sophia. Get back to work."

Emily huffed and brushed her golden locks out of her face with a spiteful sound emitting from her mouth covered in bright pink lipgloss.

Sophia didn't turn back at Emily but kept to herself. She didn't even try to do the week's examination. The small drops of the rain continued to fall until the heavy sounds of the rain were drowned out with the school bell.

Without hesitation, Sophia rose from her seat and swiftly grabbed her black backpack. She was so close to making a quick and painless get-away before Emily and her goons piped up.

"Whats wrong Sophia? Daddy gave you a rough time yesterday?" Emily snickered along with her brainless beings she calls her friends.

Though Sophia didn't feel a thing when that vile comment left her lips. She was too broken to feel anything. She just turned and gave them a glance before grabbing her hoodies hood and putting it over her head.

One step out of the classroom and she heard them burst into a fit of laughter and continue to mock her. She looked down at her arm and cursed at the blue mark that was on it as it stared straight back at her mockingly.

Her father didn't do a thing to her. Emily just hasn't got a clue whats been going on in her life. Did she ever actually care back then? Were they, friends? Did she even spare a thought of her welfare before she became the bitch she is today?

Going to her locker in a deathly silence Sophia put her books away and let out a shallow breath. She still had that dumb note Emily threw at her. She opened it again and with a concentrated mindset, she read over the words etched into the paper.

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