~ Chapter Two ~

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"The hell?!"

Sophia rushed backward in utter fright. Her aching back hit a selection of old dusty boxes that came toppling down to her sides. Eyes wide and mouth hung open in pure shock and confusion. After her brain got back into gear her mouth trembled as it tried to form words what just ended up coming out as a stutter. In her eyesight stood a mid-height character.

"Hell? I'm not from hell kid." The 'person' grumbled to himself. Did he adjust his shirt? Was that even classed as a shirt?

Sophia's face of shock quickly formed into a scowl. "Who the hell are you!?"

His face perked up at her furious tone. His semi-thin lips curled into a devilish smirk. "My name is Ash Vandran at you're service, Ma'am." He bowed somewhat playfully but Sophia was too angry and confused to care for this thing's playful tone.

"Okay Demon listen up." She glared. His face seemed to mold into one of disgust at the name. "I don't know why you're here or how you go here or even where you came from but just go back to where ever that place is and get lost!" She growled as best she could.

"Don't compare me to that filthy low life of a species! I am definitely not a demon!" He huffed crossing his arms like a stubborn child. He then glanced at Sophia.

"You look like one- Green skin and all." She pointed out his very light tinted green skin.

"Oh yeah and you're a witch because you have brown hair, assumptions, all you mortals do these days! See a creature? It's a demon!" He yelled in a very sarcastic tone. "If you must know I'm a hybrid."

"A what?"

"Hybrid- two species mixed into one? Are humans still this dumb?"

"Excuse me! You just poof yourself in here and then call me dumb without explaining any context?"

He sighed and took off his purple hat. Sophia snorted. It looked like an elf's hat but shorter and purple. He ignored her giggling and ruffled a hand through his brown hair. "Look I'm half goblin and half er classified." He stammered on the last word. Sophia raised an eyebrow. Classified? And he wants her to trust him? "My species doesn't like being compared to demons that's all."

"Species?" Sophia rolled her eyes. "I must have breathed in a lot of dust."

Ash seemed confused by her statement. There was a lot of dust in this place though and it all seemed to get stuck on his clothing. Ash sported a purple waste jacket over a white T-shirt made of cotton. A brown satchel over his torso and black shorts that were cut handmade by the looks of things. His shoes looked like elf shoes but purple and these didn't have a poofy ball on the end. They just ended in a slight curl.

Sophia shook her head in hopes her imagination would stop playing a trick on her. There is no way a random 'Goblin' appeared in the attic of her school. Besides aren't goblins supposed to be ugly. He looks like a human besides the skin, ears, eye color, and teeth. She stood up and brushed the dust away and stared at this Goblin with her arms folded.

"So why are you here?"

Ash snapped from his daydream and nodded. "Oh right, I'm here because you opened that." He pointed at the small box from earlier. The gem on the top seemed to be glowing purple now.

"A lousy trinket box?" She asked picking it up before tossing it back to him. "You sure you aren't half-genie?"

Ash scowled at her. "I am not a genie!"

"Okay okay." She raised her hands up in defense. He easily gets offended.

"I come from the Averyx Realm, where your imagination thrives and your fantasies come alive, all that jazz." He shrugged. "That trinket box you opened, was a portal into this world. It can only be opened by those who souls are in need of guidance or plead to be peaceful once more."

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