~ Chapter Four ~

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Walking through the door Sophia was instantly hit with a wave of heat coming from a large fireplace in the center of the room. The smell of oak wood and soft crushed flowers lingered in the air and gasped Sophia's senses. It was cozy, dim but the light from the fire created a soft elegant glow in the house. It created a homely feeling. There was a small set of wooden chairs accompanied by a small oak table. A single comfortable lime green chair near the fire and pictures of other people hanging proudly on the wall on a slightly crooked angle. Candlelight and the great fire was the only source of light. Glancing upwards Sophia gazed at the ceiling- there was none. Just an empty void completed with swirling galaxies and speckles of dying light that resembled stars. Looking up into the galaxy Ash hobbled her over to a chair before running through the back door near the fireplace. Sophia waited for what seemed like seconds before Ash came walking back into the main room accompanied by an old man.

His cheeks were round rosy red but his chin ended in a small point. His eyes were the softest of blues anyone had ever seen and as he gently peered at Sophia. He had a beard which was long and brown along with his bushy hair which was pushed behind his head and stopping just above the start of his neck. His ears were pointy like Ash's and his hands were quite large as they brushed upon his purple robes decorated in golden embroidery. He took off his small glasses that reset upon his rounded red nose and smiled at her warmly.

"Um, Sophia this is my Village healer and leader, Corwin Solomon." Ash stepped out of his leader's way and let him see to Sophia's back.

"Pleasure to meet you." His large hand gently shook Sophia's. She gave him a smile before he leaned down next to her and told her to slightly lean forward in her seat. "This might hurt a little, you seem to have bruised the muscle around the bones."

Sophia nodded and Corwin put his single hand on her back. From his hand, a bright blue glow emitted and caused a sudden rush of relief over her spine. After the light died down the elder stood up slowly, as his joints were very old, and then looked skeptically at the girl. He then started into her chocolate brown eyes and his own widened in horror. However, his mouth did not speak with his warm voice as it had turned cold and harsh when directing itself at Ash.

"She is a mortal." It wasn't a question. More like a statement. Ash shied away and avoided eye contact when the others stare almost burnt a hole straight through him. "How exactly did she get that injury?" He asked. He didn't wait for an answer before hastily walking over to his cabinet next to the set of chairs and rummaging through some potions and other manuscripts that were stashed away. After rummaging around and not getting an answer from Ash he found a scroll. Its cover made from red velvet and the handles smelted from pure gold. Sophia sensed the tension between the two. "Well?" He asked, his bushy eyebrows furrowing at the boy's silence.

"I used the Teleportation Hex-"

"Ashley Vandran!" Corwin sighed raising his voice in disappointment or worry, most likely both. Sophia's eyebrow peeked suddenly. Ash's full name was Ashley? "You know that what you did was dangerous, No, beyond the meaning of it!" Corwin explained his total concern. "Not only could she have died, but you could have along with her."

"I-I'm sorry Solomon but we need her." Ash bowed his head in regret, calling him by his last name in a sign of respect. Corwin's expression calmed down rapidly and he placed his hand on the goblin's shoulder.

"You know that the hex you used shouldn't even be recited by fully trained magic users, nevermind someone like yourself." He paused warily. "It could have broken her entire entity in half."

Ash nodded again and looked up at him with determination in his eyes. "But she can help us, sir."

Corwin shook his head in a shaky laugh. "You have put her in danger, my boy, we need to send her back." He turned his back on him and held the scroll in his hand tightly.

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