Chapter 2. Power Lunch

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"It's pretty good. I honestly thought it would better." Cato said as we both walked out of Study hall. It was the last class of the day.

"What do you mean you thought it could be better? It's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I meant what I said. I thought it was better." he shrugs, but then smiles. "I could see you got out of your shell."

I blushed a little bit. Is it so obvious that I am painfully shy?

"Because Games of Thrones is practically my life" I argued back. but in a joking manner.

"And in my defense, we only watch two episodes and you probably had no idea what was happening."

He started it say something. but was cut off from a voice. "Hey again" Glimmer chuckled. "I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us in lunch tomorrow. We have the same lunch period, so that would make sense."

She started at Cato the entire time, pretending that I wasn't there. 

Glimmer avoided me as if I was the plague. Surprisingly, She haven't mess with me since she made fun of my shoes. 

She liked to tease other folks back in our middle school days, but I think she outgrew that habit. She ignores or shoot dirty looks at people she does not like. 

I remember there was this pretty brunette girl that came to our middle school as a new student. She had just moved across the country. I can't remember what her name was, but all I remember was she was pretty and she received a lot of attention from everyone. I never talked to her, but I heard she was a very nice girl. 

 I have no idea what happened between Glimmer and her, but all I know is that she moved schools after her third day in our school.

"Uh- yeah sure thing" He said and she smiled at him and walked away without even looking at me.

 "She's nice" he said, turning back to me.  "We talked in study hall, but she loves to ramble. I just had to move."

This made me chuckled. Glimmer loves to yap. A lot.

'You don't like talkers?' I said as I snickered.

"No No, I am a talker myself, but I wasn't even able to get a word in!" He exclaimed as we continue to walk. 

"Yo Clove!" I heard Gale yelled behind me. I turned around to see he was along with Finch. "You finally made a friend" He said jokingly.

Shut up Gale, my goodness. 

"She doesn't have friends?' Cato asked with a concern tone in his voice.

"I do" I said, defensely embarrassed. "They just joke around like that."

"I see. You guys are probably her friends right?" Cato chuckled.

Thank god, he realize that it is a joke. 

 "Yeah and Clove introduce us to your new boy-" Finch laughs, but Gale hit her in her elbow with his arm.

Can I just move to a foreign country and never come back?


We invited him for our afternoon "power lunch." We started this since the first day of our senior year. It's usually the pizza shop next to the cafe, where I work.

We all have a table where we always sit. We always order the same pizza.

Pepperoni Pizza with Extra Cheese

Cato was talking to Gale and Thresh about football.

"You did miss the summer camp, but" Thresh said. "if you're any good, We could help you get into the team."

"Thresh is a big favorite, I am sure he could so some.... arrangements" Peeta playfully nudged Thresh. 

"Our team is decent, but we still need the best players" Gale added, biting a slice. "Some of those idiots put too much lotion on their hands and can't even catch the damn ball!"

While the boys were talking about football, the girls, of course, are asking about Cato. Well, whispering enough for them not to hear us.

"How did you meet him?' Katniss asked. "Did you bumped on him and fall your ass off and you wanted to treat him food?" Finch asked.

"He just came up to me and we started watching Games of Thrones, not a big deal you guys" I said, biting a slice. I swallowed hard. It was a big deal to them. I don't ever make friends at first sight.

They all don't look convinced and smirked at me.

I looked down, wiping myself with the napkin. Katniss and Finch started another conversation of some class they both have.

I looked at Cato. He looked good at this angle. No screw that, he looked good at any angle.

He caught me looking at him and smiled at me.

I just died a little.

I smiled back and broke eye contact.

I resumed back eating my slice and started a conversation to Finch.

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