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Karen locked the door behind her leaving us two in an awkward silence.
"Wilbur," I look at him, "are you ok? What's happening?" His glossy eyes say it all.
"I'm sorry"
He unexpectedly wrapped me up into a hug. What is happening?
"No, don't say it, please don't say it's ok, because it isn't. I hurt you. You didn't deserve it, you don't deserve it. What I did was wrong, no one should go through what I made you go through. I'm not asking for you to forgive me, nor am I asking you to trust me. Violet, all I'm asking for is for your friendship, I know it won't be the same as before, and I don't blame you if you refuse... I know I messed up... I'm sorry..."
"Wil," I haven't used that name in years, it felt weird.
"I forgive you" I said as I pulled away from the hug so that I could look at him. No response, we just looked into each other's eyes for an awkward amount of time. I... this felt weird. It felt... different. I was snapped out of thought by Wilbur's lips crashing into mine. What is he doing? What is happening? Why?...
Why am I enjoying this? I gave in and melted into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. The kiss was gentle and sweet, his lips; soft and warm. Did I like Wilbur? Did I? The kiss ended before I could answer my question. We stood there in silence, gazing into each other's eyes, until Wilbur broke it.
"Let's go"
"What? Where?"
"My house, it's getting late and we shouldn't disturb Karen"
We had been walking in complete silence for a long time. We were walking along a huge park. Illuminated by the moonlight, the empty park looked beautiful, and so did Wilbur. Wait, what? Did I just? What?
"Wilbur, why did you do it?"
"I... I was stupid, I let others influence me and..."
"That's not what I'm talking about"
"Oh... I... don't know. It was just in the moment and I'm sorry, it was just so spontaneous and I should've-"
I shut him up by pressing my lips against his.
"I didn't mind" I said smiling shyly. No other words were spoken during our walk.
We finally arrived at the Robinson's house. Although it was way past midnight, it looked empty.
"Wilbur, are your parents home?"
"No, they are at the annual Robinson Convention"
"Aren't you supposed to go with them"
"Yeah, but this year it fell right during finals"
"Oh, ok"
Wilbur unlocked the door and we went inside.
"Your house looks bigger when it's empty"
"Yeah" he said placing the keys in a small hook with the word 'keys' written in beautiful cursive letters above it. The sound of his footsteps was the only noise present at the moment.
To my surprise, Wilbur grabbed my waist, turning me towards him and pulling me closer. My hear was pounding.
"Violet..." was the only thing he said before pulling me even closer and kissing me once again.
This kiss was different. This kiss wasn't a shy kiss, it was passionate, yet it still was the sweetest kiss of all. Both his hands were on my waist, pulling me closer until the point were my body was curving under his. Chills ran down my spine. We were standing there, eyes closed and lips locked together, for what felt like an eternity. Time slowed down, and it slowed down even more as he deepened the kiss. My whole body was telling me to run away from him, 'he hurt you in the past, what guarantees you he won't do it again?', but my heart told me to stay, no reasons given, just stay. Clearly I chose to listen to my heart.
Our lips drifted away slowly as I fluttered my eyes open. To my dismay my body was too stubborn to give up, involuntarily, as if commanded,  I bolted out of the house. Good thing he didn't lock the door, otherwise I would've looked stupid. I ran as fast as I could heading towards my house. 
"Violet! Wait!" was the last thing I heard Wilbur say before he was out of earshot.
After successfully sneaking back into the house and into my room, I flopped down on my bed. I was confused, to say the least. So many questions were running through my mind... What just happened? Why did it happen? Did I enjoy what happened? Of course I did! Wait... what? Did I just say that? Did I?, and most importantly...  Do I like Wilbur?

                    Do I?...

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