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Why was he acting like this? I've never seen him like this before.
"Well that was weird" I said to myself.
"Indeed" a strange voice replied. Who was that?
Suddenly, my world went black.


My head was throbbing. What happened?
Darkness filled the room. I couldn't see a thing. From what I could feel, it appeared that I was sitting in a cold metal chair with both my hands tied to it with some sort of rope. It hurt.
A TV turned on in front of me. My eyes had to adjust to the sudden brightness radiating off of the screen.
It was a news report. 'Downtown Chaos' was the headline. A lady dressed in a pink suit spoke.
"... as we can see, this time, it was more challenging for our team of vigilantes," the video of the lady talking shrunk to a corner showing footage of the event, " the villain went by the name of Storm Breaker, and she definitely broke the storm free on our streets. Our fellow team of teenagers came to the site; four of them came here, but there are only three of them on sight," three familiar figures appeared on the screen, struggling. Hiro. Penny. Wilbur... Wilbur! " the fourth, Invisigirl, is nowhere to be found, she was last seen on a store nearby, but disappeared, and not the way we are used to. Any new information here on channel 7. This was Cindy Cruz reporting live, we'll keep you updated." The screen froze, leaving a devastating picture of Wilbur on the screen, bolting towards the store I was in a few moments ago, tears spilling from his eyes. The TV was the only light source in the room, it gave off a bluish hue, making the room feel colder.
My friends were out there, fighting, struggling, losing, and I'm sitting here, alone, crying, tied to a chair, incapable of helping them. His expression broke me. He was so hurt, and I couldn't do anything.
"Hello Invisigirl, or should I say, Violet Parr." A deep voice spoke, booming through speakers that were nowhere to be found. "Don't cry, after all, it will do nothing. I know how you feel, useless. Violet, worry not, for I will make you useful" I recognized that voice, it was the voice from the store.
"Who are you?"
"That my dear friend, is classified information I wish to keep for myself." Smart
"What do you mean by making me useful?"
"Oh sweetheart, you see, I am not stupid. If I were to tell you my plan you could easily find a way to spoil it. I've done this before! You won't get anything out of me." The speaker disconnected.

Wilbur POV

Where is she?
"Violet! Vi?"
Nothing. I tried everything to no avail.
"She isn't answering her phone either" Penny sighed. She had called Violet over 15 times already. They all went to voicemail.
"Let me try" I dialed her number.
Three rings went by, then someone answered, but it wasn't Violet. I put the call on speaker so everyone could hear.
"Hello Wilbur, nice to see you care about her," I gestured them to stay quiet "the lovely lady cannot talk right now, she's a little busy."
"Who are you and where is Violet?"
"That, my friend, is classified information I won't give out." The call ended.
"What are we-"
"Got it!" Hiro interrupted looking at his computer. How does he carry that thing everywhere?, he doesn't even have pockets!, or a backpack! "I have the address!"
I think my puzzled look gave my utter confusion away because he rolled his eyes and explained.
"I tracked down the location of Violet's phone using the phone call you just made"
"Great! Let's go"

??? POV

The plan was in motion. I spoke through the microphone.
"Don't worry sweetheart your friends are coming..."

... just like I planed.

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