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"What am I gonna do?" I asked pacing around his room.
"Why do you ask me? I'm the worst person you could ask! I haven't even had my first kiss, let alone a relationship!" True.
"Ugh! Hiro! I need help!" I yelled as I looked at him dead in the eyes.
"Why don't you ask Penny?" He said taking a few steps back and sitting down on his bed.
"No! Are you crazy? She'll freak out, and if she freaks out, I freak out."
"Ok... you know what? I'll do my best; tell me more."
"I already told you everything, there's nothing more to tell..." I was getting impatient, tho I gotta admit I don't know why.
"Details, Violet, I need details!"
"Oh, ok... well... how about you ask me and I answer"
"Ok, why are you so confused?"
"Well you see, I thought I could never be the same around Wilbur, that I would always get the creeps, but when we were alone I... I felt safe." I said lowering my tone and looking at the ground. Blush started to creep on my cheeks.
"If you are telling me that you felt safe, then why are you still so confused?" His puzzled expression gave away how lost he was. Hiro was really bad in the feelings department, that was for sure.
"What I'm trying my best, ok?"
"Well, you see, the thing is that, during the kiss, I wanted to stay there with him, to just be around him... but then I involuntarily ran out of there"
"What do you mean by involuntarily?" Is he dumb?
"What do you think I mean Hiro? You're supposed to be the genius here!"
"I know about robots, not feelings"
"Ugh... what I mean... is that my body just ran out, it acted without my consent... stupid fight-or-flight... why is this happening?"
"That's it!" His eyes lit up with excitement.
"Fight-or-flight!" He sprang up from his bed, "Part of you was, is, still in denial. That part of your brain, the traumatized one, is the one who told you to run. It felt like you were in danger, maybe not physically but emotionally. As soon as it detected danger, your superhero instincts kicked in, causing you to run out of Wilbur's house!"
"So, what do I do?"
"First of all, do you like him?"
"Ye- n- I don't know"
"Well, if you do like him, you just gotta convince yourself that it's alright, that it's safe. If you don't like him, then just remember that your instincts will kick in to keep you safe"
"Thanks" I hugged him.
Hiro could be bad at dealing with relationships, but he was truly my best friend.
His phone rang, scaring the life out of me.
"What?... Where?... Ok, I will" He hung up.
"Vi, we have another code 10"

Hi! Sorry for the short chapter but, you know, exams :/ Hope you are enjoying the story so far ^-^
Feel free to leave constructive criticism, just don't be rude please :)<

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