Explaination Please read!

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Well hello again your girl is back with another fanfic which I promise i will complete even if it takes me this whole year I WILL finish it!!! Please support this story since the other one was a flop but when I do have time I'll try to fix it and see if I'll publish it one day 🤷🏻‍♀️ anyways returning to this new story that has risen it talks about how you should love yourself no matter what.... this story takes the concept of Omegas/Alphas/Betas. Please read this whole page because it contains information you need to know to be able to understand this story. And thank you for once again reading another fanfic from a complete stranger 💜💜💜
* 🐯 V/Tae- Omega
* 🐰Jungkook/Kook- Alpha
* 🐥Jimin/Mochi -Omega
* 🐨Namjoon/Joonie- Alpha
* 🐱Suga/Min- Alpha
* 🦄Jhope/Hobi- Beta
* 🐼Jin/Jinnie- Omega
If you don't know what alphas, omegas and betas are let me explain. Humans, have a social structure called hierarchy people believes it was similar to wolves hierarchy where the only way to claim your rank was through violence. Alphas being the top and omegas being the weakest. Winner takes all however, scientist later discover that human hierarchy is more similar to bees, humans carry their so called "rank" through there DNA. At the age of 18, every individual has to take DNA and hormone tests, to see which rank category they are best fit in.

Alphas- First are the Alphas or The Leaders  they are dominant, aggressive, strong and brave natural born leaders. Driven by they're instincts alphas can and will become ruthless that is why they sit on top of the hierarchy pyramid.This is by no means to mean they are not capable of compromise and understanding, every Alpha is different and unique. Alphas make up 13% of the population. Among the Alphas 10% are male, 3% are female. Because alphas are superior than the other rankings  they get special treatment, special privileges like owning territory, picking they're mate, and play important roles in society.

Betas- Second are the Betas or The Workers they've lost there animal instincts like scenting, mating, and territorialism. Betas are the maintainers of the society. Beats take jobs like doctors, teachers, technicians and office workers. Beats are found in every field of career that requites focus and devotion. The make up 52%, with 25% male and 27% female. Males still experience Rut and females Heat, however their fertility does not increase at these times.

Omega- Lastly are the Omegas or The Queens. They are the most prized, yet the most discriminated rank. They're like the jewels of society beautiful, yet useless... .Omegas are not allowed to hold positions of power, nor any job that would put them in harms way. Omegas make up 35% of the population, with 15% male and 20% female.

Heat- It's every 24-28 days that lasts 4-7 days in which female Betas and Omegas are sexually aroused and feel an overwhelming desire to mate/breed. While Beta Females are not anymore fertile, omegas become twice as fertile as normal. Contraceptives are a necessity to ensure that the omega does not become pregnant at this time. During Heat the body uses extraordinary amounts of energy in the drive to 'become pregnant'. They typically only eat light and small amounts of food at this time and drink heavily pf water, and after Heat ends needs large amounts of sleep to recover in the next few days. If not pregnant menstrual cycles begin after Heat ends.

Rut- Rut is what Alphas and male Betas experience. Once a year they go into Rut during what is typically seen as Mating Season, also known as Spring Time. However a Beta female or Omega in Heat can throw them into Rut as well. Rut lasts from 4-7 days. Rut is an overwhelming need to mate/breed. Of needing to get their partner with child. It is admittedly more difficult for a Beta female to throw an out of season Alpha and/or male Beta into Rut compared to an Omega. They are incredibly territorial and combative in this state. Unmated Alphas must be isolated at this time, while male Betas are still mostly functional, though it is highly suggested they do so as well.

Scent- Just like pheromone, scent is a chemical compound that is naturally produced by both alpha and omega. Scent is important as it's a mating signal and identity. This scent is like everyone has they're own unique smell. Unfortunately Betas have lost there scenting skills so they can't produce nor smell smell this unique smell.
If you actually read through this whole thing comment down" read it "
The actual story will be published in like 2 days so Friday at the most thank you and please make sure to support me 😂💜💜💜

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