Life?- 2

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Tae pov:
Days have passed and I think it's time for me to attend school since I missed a week worth of school. My school day was pretty normal that is, when I reached last period/class. I sat down at my chair and I feel cramps in my stomach. That's when I realized my heat wasn't over. I was lucky enough to put on big clothing that coverd my body but I wasn't that lucky... in the morning I was in such a hurry I forgot to spray on some of the perfume that would make my scent less noticeable. I start clenching at my stomach I got up to ask to go to the infirmary, that's when I noticed a group of alphas surrounding me.

Well they found their target, I stare into their eyes and it turned a shade darker and they started breathing more deeply. A group of girl who are betas got up and let the teacher know about this situation. The teacher quickly grabs ahold of my arm and forces the barricade of alphas to break. She then takes me to the infirmary and they get a hold of my mother. "Thank you" I tell the teacher. "Your welcome but make sure to return to school when your not on your heat". She tells me I was surprised not because of that but because she later said. "You, ARE the only Omega here so be more cautious". I sat there shocked hearing the word, "Only Omega". How stupid was I to rise there were like 0 omegas in this school? Minutes later my mom arrives and enters the room. "Are you ok sweetie"? She asks. "I'm fine thanks to the teacher and the students who informed her" I tell her.

She then talks to the teacher and we finally head home. "Mom I didn't know I was the only omega in school"? I tell her while we are inside our home. "I'm sorry I thought you knew". I just nod and head to my room. Days pass and now I'm for sure I'm safe to return to school. I thought everything would be normal but boy was I wrong. News spread about me being an omega,not just an omega, the ONLY omega in school. In the hallways people made comments here and there some even told me they would protect me if I went out with them. I didn't reply to anything that was said to me and ignored almost everyone. Till the end of the year I was in the same routine Wake up, school, people confessing to me,ignoring people, head home. Days seemed longer than they should've been but I was just happy, I was graduating high school.

On the day of graduation my parents came to support me and well you know take pictures. I was surprised since no one approached me cause they mostly do since they try to confess to me but none did. That's till I realize my father was with me, even betas who can't scent he's an alpha knows his an alpha just by his appearance. Days pass and a new year came so I decided to enroll in college in Daegu. I made sure this year was different, I wanted to make sure no one knew I was an omega. For my first day in college I wore baggy clothing a hoodie some pants and shoes. I also wore the perfume the doctors gave me so others won't notice my scent. I also figured that if I put on heavy smelling cologne it hides it pretty well too. During my college days no one asked if I was an omega which probably meant they didn't notice. When my heat came I would take off 2 weeks of school so the same situation wouldn't repeat itself. I lived through this process for the next four years. I made friends here and there but they weren't friends I thought I could fully trust. I missed lots of days of school, my grades suffered because of this process but I still managed to graduate college with a masters degree in liberal arts. Life was normal for this 22 soon to be 23 year old. But I as thinking about moving out and starting my own life. Night comes and it's time for dinner. "Food's ready"! I hear my mom call out from the kitchen. I come downstairs. *eating* "So I have some good news and bad news". I hear as I turn my head to look at my father speaking. "What's the good news" I ask him. "Well I got promoted to a better spot at the office...which will give my a flexible schedule and a raise" He says. "That's good"! My mom says cheerfully. "But the bad news is that for this position, we as a family have to move to Gumi". He tells my mother in response. My mother sits there quietly and doesn't say anything, minutes sitting there quietly my mother interrupts the silence and finally says it's fine and we have been living in this house for years so it's about time for us to move. That's when I was like This...this is my chance! "Soo...I wanted to tell you that...well I think it's time for me to move out and start my own life" I finally tell them. Both my parents look at each other, shocked at the fact I really did want to move out, "Are you sure, would you be able to survive by yourself"?
Ok...first I-I'm hurt I think to myself "Mom this is the reason why I want to move out, I want to be independent and learn how to live in this society as an omega and to see how I can keep my life...well stable". I respond to her. "Well honey, I think it's time for Taehyung to start his life and learn how to live by himself, he may be an omega, but he is also a man I believe he will do fine living by himself". My dad reassured my mother. She looks a bit shocked of how my dad responded, she sits there silently...."I can't believe im about to say this..but ugh! ok...I'll let you move out. BUT! Promise me you'll always contact us and visit once in a while"! She tells me. I get up and hugged her tightly, "Thanks mom and I'll keep my promise". I tell her while still hugging her I also hug my dad since he also convinced my mom.

Weeks pass~

It's been weeks since I sat at the table and told my parents i wanted to move out. Now In less than 3 days I'm actually moving to Seoul! It's not that far from Gumi which is great since I promised I would visit.... I decided I didn't want to live in Gumi since I know the overprotective of a mother I have would visit me 24/7. And come over when she felt like. Saying things like " I missed you" when I saw her like a day I decided to live in Seoul since 1. It has good paying jobs
2. Far from mom but not too far and lastly because it's actually very beautiful. I hope me living there will give me a more exciting life there.

Author: Oh gosh how Tae could take those words back... Will it be exciting or a scary experience? 🤷🏻‍♀️

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- Marisa 💜

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