New life - 3

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Moving day~

Author POV:
Today is the day the Kim family moves out of there tiny home in Daegu where they've been living in for several years. Days before they already had everything packed up in boxes and 2 cars to move there things into there new homes. Taehyung moved into a rented apartment in Seoul and Taehyung's parents moved into a much bigger and modern home in Gumi.

Finally today's the ya I move out and make my own living. Hope I can survive this week..."HONEY!!!" I hear mom yell form downstairs. I walk downstairs remembering every corner that holds memories. Memories of falling down memories of all sorts of stupid thing I did as a kid.

Taehyung heads to the kitchen knowing his mother is there. *sighs* Tae remembers how much this home meant to him but him leaving made a new beginning.

Hey mom! You ready? "Yes I'm almost done can you take this last box in the truck?" she asks,Sure I respond. I take the box outside and see how bare the house was left. I guess I will miss this place.

Almost an hour later everything was finished packed up and everyone was ready to well...take there separate ways. Tae felt sad but also excited knowing he'll have his own place to call home. Mrs.&Mr. Kim where upset that there only child was ready to leave them but they were happy he decided this and was brave enough to live by himself even tho he was an omega.

"Well I-I guess this is bye right?" I said while stuttering since I did feel like crying.
"Yep I guess so...." *crying* "please be safe taetae and promise to not forget these old people you call parents" I see my mom say to me while crying. "Please be safe Tae and remember we will always be here for you no later what" my dad says he might seem tough but I also know he's sad too. "Of course I'll stay safe and of course I'll remember you your my parents not old people you're people who raised me and feed me and well you know kept me alive so for that I'm thankful" I say then suddenly I start crying "I'll miss you " I throw myself on them and give them a hug. We were hugging for such a long time that, is until I pulled away because I knew if I kept holding them I wouldn't want to let go. "So" I say while wiping away my tears,"I guess this is goodbye". "Y-yes I guess so, but please make sure to visit" my mom says.
Minutes later I'm driving to a complete new place I'll call home.

Tae reaches his destination and opens the door to his new home. He enters but gets a wired vibe/feeling it was probably because he was by himself now. He starts to unpack his stuff. Hours pass and he almost has everything in its place, he decides to eat something. After he was finished he wanted some banana milk, but realized he didn't have any since he's in his new home, so he decided to be brave and go meet the new neighborhood and go buy some banana milk in a convenient store. But the thing is it was currently already 11 p.m. Taehyung being the new person in the neighborhood didn't know that in this new place it was dangerous outside before 10 and him being an omega was especially more dangerous. Taehyung being the naive person he is, thought this neighborhood was a safe place so he decided to wear light clothes and none of the cologne that made his sent less noticeable

Inside the store~

"That will be $2.50" the cashier says. I feel safe since no one is outside or inside the store and I can smell that the cashier is a beta so I'm safe. "Here you go" I respond giving him the money....*walks out* let's see..its 11:30 already? and why did it get so dark? Oh well...
I smell a weird scent but I can't make out what it was, but it smelled so strong... "hey beautiful what brings you out here this late"? I see a tall man say. My heart starts to speed up that's when It hit me he was an alpha... I immediately start running trying to dashi dashi run my butt from this situation. I start running to who the heck knows where and I can smell him near. I start running and just my was a dead end. I see the tall man walking closer to me. "P-please leave m-me a-alone" I stutter. " But arent you just beautiful" He says in a deep voice. "No, don't call me that! I don't want this, someone please HELP ME"!!! I start yelling than the tall man starts walking towards me and starts trying to make moves on me... he then suddenly gets the nerve to rip my shirt I then started yelling louder and started crying. "Please leave me alone I just want to go home" I start saying in between my sobs. I hear someone throw something, one thing I am for sure about it sounded pretty heavy the last thing i see is the tall man on the floor and 3 people coming towards me. I guess from all the stress I faint. All I could hear were voices then I started to drift away in darkness

Well hey... *says quietly* I'm sorry I'm bad at this and bad at how to manage things like school stared so I've been busy with that so now I'm for sure I really don't know when I'll update again so I'll try my best to keep up with this but I WILL keep my promise to actually complete this story. Anyways thank you for reading this story that barely updates 😂💜💜💜

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2018 ⏰

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