Chapter 5

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Two days i've been here. One session with Dr Slade. It is now day three. It is now time to go see Dr Slade again. It is now time for me to question him. I walk in, seeing him sitting in his chair, those bags under his eyes, that tried expression.

I sit down on that leather chair, that i personally don't really like. He looks at me a little confused but willing to go with it. Perfect.

"Winter, you seem more confident today," he states in a friendly manner.

"Why yes, i was wondering what's up with you?"

"With me?" he laughs, can't believe this is happenings to him.

"Yes, with you. Since i've been here, you have been tried to be on belief, bags under your eyes, slump, like something is not going your way, like something is very difficult. I was wondering what that is." I state trying not to get him room to wiggle out of.

"You're very perceptive miss winter, I'll give you that, but we are here to talk about you."

"So im right there is something." can't let the topic fall on me. "If you're not talking neither am I."

"Miss winter, are you sure you're not just using this to get out of talking about you?"

"Doctor Slade, doctor Slade, of course i'm doing that."

"So your telling me, you don't want to talk about, oh lets see, that fact you nearly killed yourself or that outburst in front of your father. So your mother has put you in a cage you say. You feel trapped under your mother, is that your relationship with her?"

Crap, crap,crap. I can't think about her. She's death herself. You don't understand. You don't understand. The things she said. You don't underst-- "Miss Winter" dr Slade yells getting my attention. I look up at him with tears in my eyes. "You need to know she's not here. You need to stop interizling it." he says. But I seen this game before, he doesn't know my mother like I do. Everything gets back to her. It happen to my brother why wouldn't it happen here, to me. I can't trust anyone here.

Dr Slade, must sense that talking about her is to much right now, cause he moves from the chair behind his desk and to the one next to me. "It's okay, why don't you tell me about this band twenty one pilots?"

After a few deep breaths, I give him a weak smile and nod. The rest of the session was spent talking him about the boys. I must say it did bring me just a bit of happiness that he was willing to listen and not make fun of me. 

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