Chapter Three

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Annabelle Praine

I woke up from my short nap. Hopefully I had slept long enough to avoid the certain boy band in the studio.

I jumped to get up, failing epically because I hit my head on the bottom of the bunk on top of me. I rolled off to the floor and got up, clutching my head in pain as I went near my suitcase.

Taking out a random skirt, sweater, and underwear, I went into the mini-shower and took my clothes off. Then I showered and put on clothes blah blah blah whatever. I hopped off the bus and it was still night time. DAMNIT.

I checked my watch, and I was only gone from Ed for ten minutes! Either that or I slept for a day. Nah, can't be. I'm still sleepy.

Groaning, I walked all the way to the studio. Halfway there, the cloud gods managed to ruin once again my mood by dropping a shitload of rain on London. 

I muttered a curse then held on the sleeves of my sweater with my arms crossed until I reached my destination.

Stupid Mother Nature. Always so bipolar.

Through the glass of the windows, I could see Ed laughing with two other people.

A blonde guy from earlier and Ashton. Wasn't-dare I say it-Calum with them? Or he was just a figment of my imagination caused by my paranoia?

I will never know. Hopefully.

I pushed open the heavy double doors and walked inside, all wet and shivering.

I started walking to the nearest bathroom, leaving wet and sloppy footprints and hoping that they don't notice--"Anna! There you are!" Too late.

"Uh...hey, Ed..." I smiled and awkwardly waved at him. "Hey? That's all I get? I was worried sick about you!" he exclaimed.

Now all eyes were on me. "Oh really, seemed like you were enjoying yourself without." I muttered.

Realizing that I sounded mean, considering that he was really sensitive, I turned around and walked away. Away from all of them.


Ed Sheeran

Calum ran outside after our little greeting, and stated that he had to pee.

"Well that was weird. The bathroom was upstairs," I said.

"Is he a fan?" I asked both of them.

"Oh you don't know half of it," Luke laughed. "He treats you like a god or something," Ash added.

I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my head. "That's awesome. I love meeting fans. But I didn't expect any of you to be one of my fans," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... Uh... Well, this is embarrassing... I'm part of the 5SOSfam." I fidgeted.

"Ed. I bet we are more of a fan of you than you are to us. Luke over here helped Calum make a 4-feet paper maché model of you."

"Well I have all your songs downloaded on my phone." I said. It was with the help of my fangirl cousin.

"Oh yeah? Well we memorized the raps from your songs 'You Need Me I Don't Need You' and 'The Man', and the lyrics of 'Don't', 'Lego House', and 'Kiss Me,'" Luke jokingly taunted. I had to laugh at that.

"We have to stop. We sound like Calums," Ash groaned and we all laughed at his comment.

I stopped when I heard wet feet, probably from the heavy rain outside, sloshing around the studio.

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