Chapter 3

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Tanner just talked to me!! I stared at him for a little bit examining what he looked like in real life and not in a camera.You could see only a few things in the camera but I could see his features clearly,his eyes as bright as the sky,his hair looks super soft and his face is even more beautiful then it is in a camera.Tanner asked me if I was okay since I was staring. I came back to focus and laughed. I replied to his question with "Yeah, sorry haha." I raised my hand for a highfive but Tanner didnt understand what I was doing so I laughed at myself and said "Hi there im (Y/N) and your Tanner right?" He nodded and replied with "Yeah thats right but why are you here haha".

I was starting to get nervous and said "Well, uhh I just got a job at Hi5Studios and im now working on Rekt with you and Gunner." Tanner exclaimed "Man thats awesome! Cant wait for the next Rekt shoot so we can destroy things together! Well Come with me I will introduce you to Gunner.". So I followed Tanner into his and Gunners office and I saw Gunner sitting there at his computer. Tanner grabbed Gunners headphones and pulled them off and said "Hey there is a Visitor!" Gunner spun around in his chair and saw me just standing there so he waved and asked "Whats your name?" Tanner cut me off and said "Oh her name is (Y/N) but wanna help me show her around?"


When I was driving home I thought of all the people I met today,Micheal, Mike, Bryan, Tanner, Gunner, Dave, Paul, Connor and many more people, it was very fun and I was super excited for tomorrow because tomorrow is my first Rekt shoot.

326 words ma dude

Tanner Malmedal x OCWhere stories live. Discover now