Chapter 4

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I wake up to my phone ringing I see that it is Matthias so I answer right away even though I just woke up.
"Hi Matthias, what do you need?" I said in a tired voice, He replied with "I need you to come in early and be the guest on Dope or Nope since Micheal called in sick, can you do it?" I smiled to myself and replied with a excited voice "Sure Matthias, I will be there in 10 minutes. See you there!!"I hung up and got out of bed and grabbed my white dad hat Pale orange shirt and Black shorts with my white airwalks and go to the kitchen and start my breakfast. When im done eatting I go to the bathroom and take a shower and then get dressed.I get into my car and drive to Orange Base.When I get there I run inside and knock Tanner over.

I Exclaimed "OMG Tanner Im so so so sorry Matt just needed me and I didnt know you were there and im just sorry that this happened is there any way I can ma-" He put a finger to my lip and said " (Y/N) its ok it was just an accident dont worry." he laughed and I realized I was still ontop of him so I got up and found i had a bruise on my hand so i closed my fist and said "Well see you around stranger." We both laughed and went on our way.I decided to go upstairs to the Dope or Nope room and went onto Matthias' armchair and went on my phone until someone got here.

About 20 minutes later Matthias showed up but I didnt know he was there until he said "Your in my chair (Y/N)" he laughed at me when I jumped out of the chair and said "Sorry I forgot that chair was yours. Do I sit in Micheals spot?" He said "No its ok me and Tanner will sit next to eachother and you can sit in the armchair. I quietly sighed to myself and played it off as I was yawning. The video was about 10 Products You Wouldnt Expect to Eat! It was pretty cool to be in a Dope or Nope video since i've only watched those videos.

I went down to my office which was shared with Tanner and Gunner and grabbed my Rekt Shirt and changed to my black jeans that have holes in the knees so they look alot like Tanners.I went to the Bathroom and changed and put my clothes from before into my red backpack and then walked over to the warehouse where Tanner and Gunner were waiting for someone who I think was me. I walked in and said "Sorry I was late.." They replied with "No no no were waiting for Mitch not you (Y/N)." I said "Oh,okay." and laughed at myself and we shot a video.

5 hundred words mon frères!

Tanner Malmedal x OCWhere stories live. Discover now