Chapter Five

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When We were finished recording I changed back into my old clothes and drove home. Today was the best day yet and I was excited for tomorrow, I was gonna ask Tanner on a date. So ahead of time I picked out an outfit for tomorrow and chose something dressy but kinda casual and put it in my red bag.

I was making myself some pancakes for dinner when Tanner called; I freaked out and stumbled around trying to pick up my phone while trying to wash my hands. " Hi Tanner!! " he replied with "Hey (Y/N) I was wondering if you'd like to go out for lunch with me tomorrow." I chirped " Tanner I was gonna ask you the same thing!! But uh, Can it be a.." I paused and Tanner replied with "A what??" "A date." I blurted out. I slapped my mouth closed after that as I thought to myself "Why did I say that!! Im such an idiot!!" But then I heard Tanner say sure. I gasped and tried not to sound desperate but unsuccessfully I said "Oh my god thank you thank you!!" I then replied to myself saying "sorry if I sound desperate.." Tanner chuckled and we talked for what I only thought was 10 minutes turned out to be 4 hours.

sorry for a short chapter and for the wait hh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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