Pain is not just
a four-letter word
for broken skin
It's s u f f o c a t i n g
around words
It's b u r n i n g
your favorite books
It's f o r g e t t i n g
your own name
or your mother's birthday
It's all the tears
others have shed for you
It's losing your b e s t f r i e n d
to the silence
It's laying in a pile
of d i r t y c l o t h e s
because you are too tired
to move three feet
to the left
pain is a three-letter word
that ends and begins with
y o u

Poetry From A Caged Soul
PoetryThis is a series of poems that I have been writing. They are all different but I hope you enjoy them. I will try to update whenever I can! I hope you like them all. Thanks for giving my poetry a chance!