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Harry woke up to the smell of eggs frying over the fire nearby. He was laying on the aincient couch beside his cousin, for once in his life waking up to warmth instead of cold. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses.
"Oh good morning Harry dear Aunt Petunia said from the hearth. "How do you want your eggs?"
"Eggs? For me?" Harry asked surprised.
"Of course. Growing boy needs his protein." She said off handedly.
"Um... Sunny-side up please" he said unsure of if he was still dreaming.
That had happened before. He dreamt that he woke up and the whole family was nice to him all day. Of course the seccond he bit into hit eggs he knew there was no possible way that this could be a dream. She brushed her fingers through his hair as she walked past and Harry gasped softly. That was the first motherly thing she had done with him in his life and he longed for the sensation again. Dudley shifted next to him and Harry threw his hands in front of his face protectively. Dudley rubbed his sleep away and gave Harry an exasperated look.
"Really, Harold? You're pathetic." He spat.
"It's Harry." Harry whispered his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
"Right. Horace. Got it." Dudley said, looking past Harry to the food his mother was cooking. "Why is mom cooking? Why aren't you?"
"I-I dont know" Harry whispered, looking down at his hands.
"Harry" Vernon called from the kitchen causing Harry to jump in fright. "Come here boy. Dudley you too."
"Aww what now?" Dudley groaned in annoyance before climbing off the couch, slamming his shoulder into Harry's as he passed.
Harry winced and rubbed his bruised shoulder and followed.
"Sit down boys" Vernon said from where he stood. "It's time I told you two the truth."
Oh my god, Harry thought He's a spy. A russian spy. That's why they were black mailing us.
"This is going to sound crazy but I swear everything I say is true. It's about the Potter's" Harry's head snapped up "And a man named Voldemort."
And so Vernon told the two boys everything. From Magic being real, to Hogwarts, to Lilly marrying James to the prophecy and the war. Harry stood, mouth open as he listened to this wonderful story of his parents fighting against Wizard Hitler. Vernon described to him who Sirius Black was and how he betrayed Harry's parents. How he told Voldemort where Harry lived and how Harry was attacked by the wizard and eventually killed him. How he was brought to their doorstep and how they feared that the wizards would find them if they could track Harry's powers. How they had set out to keep Harry from being a wizard.
"And now," Vernon said "You aren't going to that school. So you can be a normal boy! And we can all live happily ever after!"
A loud popping noise ccame from outside making Harry jump. There was a knock on the front door. Vernon opened it, thankful that it was a polite little tap instead of the loud deafening noise the night before. Outside the door a rather eccentric man stood on their doorstep. He was dressed in a brown suit and had a rather long beard that was neatly tied with a piece of string. He had white hair and sparkling blue eyes that held amusement behind his half moon glasses.
"Hello, Mr. Dursley. Good morning. May I come inside?" The man spoke. "I am Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts. I had rather hoped to speak to your youngest son and you of course about him attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
Vernon sputtered for a moment at the man in front of him but remembering that Harry didn't want to go to the school decided that the best thing to do would be to invite the man inside and have Harry tell him himself. Vernon stepped aside and smiled politely at the man.
"Please, come sit." He said kindly.
"Oh, thank you." Dumbledore said, surprised. From what he remembered about the Dursley family they despised anything magic. He surely thought that he would have to argue with Vernon to get in. He looked around the clean shack and sighed softly. This would make his plans so much more difficult. He sat down on the crusty couch and sniffed in disgust. Harry and Dudley sat on the fireplace ledge. Petunia stood next to the boys and cautiously watched the man, one arm wrapped around her stomach the other holding her shoulder. Vernon came over to stand by his wife and waited for the man to speak.
"Hello, Harry. My name is Albus Dumbledore." Dumbledore said softly.
"Good morning, Mr. Dumbledore." Harry replied quietly, holding tight to his cousins shirt.
"Now, Harry I know you must have a lot of questions." Dumbledore started.
"Actually," Harry said quietly "I-I only have one."
"Oh?" Dumbledore inquired.
"What happens if I don't go to Hogwarts. Can I just choose not to use my powers?"
"Well Harry your powers are a part of you. If you choose to repress them they will form what is called an Obscurus. If you aren't taught how to harness your powers they will create their own conciousness and will take over your body and become an unstoppable force that will break out and destroy everything it touches. A long time ago there was a boy who was scared of his powers. He tried to hide them. His caretakers" here Dumbledore paused and looked at Vernon "Tried to beat the magic out of him. They feared it. The boy feared himself. He was never shown love or mercy. He was never taught how to control his power and in the end it killed him and destroyed all of New York City. The magic world and the muggle world were almost destroyed. If the muggles had learned about magic it would have caused mayham. So when Newt- So when a wizard waas able to wipe the city's memory and to fix the destruction it was a miracle." He turned back to the pale boy in front of him.
"Harry magic is a gift. One not many get to recieve. But with that gift comes a great burden."
"With great power comes great responsibility" Dudley quoted from his favorite comic book.
"Well said young Dursley." Dumbledore praised. "You see as a wizard it is your obligation to learn to control your power. If not for yourself than for the safety of others."
"So if I don't go to Hogwarts..." Harry said softly "Then I'll be a ticking time bomb? Forever?"
"In a sense, yes. But let's hope it doesn't come to that." Dumbledore took a Hogwarts letter from his vest pocket and handed it to the small boy.
He stood and made his way to the door, leaving the family many things to discuss, but before he left he was stopped by Harry's words.
"I can talk to snakes. They find me. Whisper things. Is that normal for someone like me?" He called out.
Dumbledore's heart stopped and he looked back at Harry, and looked at the boys emotionless face. Harry narrowed his eyes slightly in suspicion. But Dumbledore never answered him and instead hurriedly left through the door.
"That was weird." Dudley muttered. "He's as weird as Voldemort. It's like all these wizards have no brains. Dumbledore, Voldemort. Hah! More like Voldemoron."

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