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Harry tugged nervously on the hem of his shirt as Cadence went room from room introducing him to the many animals and feeding them accordingly. Harry had just thrown up a little bit when he saw Cadence shove his entire arm down the throat of a giant toad to "Make sure the chicken didnt get stuck this time" when Cadence realised maybe Harry wasn't interested in feeding the creatures. They awkwardly made their way down to a large dining room where Cadence introduced a very green Harry to a very Fat Newt Scammander.
"Hello, Harry Potter." Newt said, looking at Harry as if he was a fascinating rare species that hed like nothing more than the chance to investigate.
"Harry, this is my um- well hes my Newt." Cadence looked longingly at the old man as if he wished to call him something else. "He's my... uncle."
Newt smiled politely at Harry and offered him a seat next to him. Cadence walked off muttering about 'course hes my uncle... Fat bastard never wanted any son did he? Wont even let me call him dad...' and Harry felt very uncomfortable being left alone in the room. He hesitantly sat in the offered chair. Newt leaned forward on the ancient table and looked at Harry curiously. Harry felt his body start to shiver all over and swallowed hard, repressing the urge to scoot his chair away.
"So, Harry is it?" Newt said, licking his dry lips and leaning forward as if he was a little kid with a secret "Want to see something cool?"
At that moment Cadence walked back in holding a steaming roast.
"No! I absolutely forbid you from taking him into that bloody trunk and showing him that- that thing!" He said angrily.
Harry was very confused aand very scared and wished he could melt into the wooden chair he sat upon.
"Come on! Cay (Kay) have a little adventure!" He said with humour and turned to look at Harry "Besides its perfectly harmless"
Harry had no desire to know what 'It' was and luckily he didnt have to because Newt looked at Harry's hair and laughed loudly.
"I thought I told you to warn him not to mix the blue and the green!" Newt laughed good heartily "Wont make that mistake again will you boy?"
A sudden vision of Vernon angrily shouting the same thing at him made Harry flinch back in his seat and pale dramatically.
"N-n-no sir" he replied, leaning far back in his chair.
"No need to call me sir, boy. Newt is fine." He knew that Harry was sensitive and didn't comment on Harry's fear; in fact he glared slightly at Cadence who had opened his mouth from where he was cutting the feast "Now where did you say you were from, boy?"
"I d-didnt." Harry said softly.
"Well, no time like the present eh?" Newt smiled and raised his eye brows pointedly.
"Yes, sir." Harry agreed. "Im from Surrey, Mr. Scammander. That's in England. We are still in England aren't we?"
Newt sighed and gave a dissapointed look at Cadence.
"I told you that you can keep the boy if you told him everything yourself, Cadence."
"W-well I was going to back in The Moon but a pack of Ranglers kind of inturrupted!" Cadence said, slamming down in his seat and pouting "Besides we can tell him now. 'No time like the present, eh?'" Cadence mocked, sitting forward and raising an eyebrow.
"Agh! Away with ye, lad! I'll do it myself!" Newt said loudly before turning to Harry "We are in England, Harry. Actually we are in the center of London! A small place called Wool's Orphanage. You heard of it?"
Harry shook his head and Newt seemed to deflate slightly.
"No... I suppose you wouldnt. Im sad to say we know about as much as you do about this place. We only stayed long enough to fetch you. Im afraid we will be leaving tomorrow morning to go back to my sanctuary. But the  locals said that there was a greay fire many years ago in this place. Nearly 50 years ago! Everything was destroyed," he paused "well everything except what's in your room. No one knows why but I guess the fire never reached that room. But I guess they never reopened the orphanage after that."
"Where are we going?" Harry asked, putting off thinking about the fire until later.
"We" Cadence said from the corner of the table nearby where he was piling food onto plates "are going to Diagon Alley tomorrow. We'll go back to the Sanctuary after we are done shopping."
Harry had a plate of food placed in front of him and frowned slightly.
"But I haven't got any money" Harry said.
Newt let out a barking laugh making Harry jump and waved a leg of the steaming hog at Harry's face before saying through a full mouth "Ya hear that, Cay?" Cadence looked on in dissaproval "A POTTER! WITHOUT MONEY! LIKE THAT WOULD EVER HAPPEN!" Harry flinched and Cadence placed a hand on Harry's knee reassuringly "THE DAY A POTTER DOESN'T HAVE MONEY IS THE DAY I DIE."
"Well then I suggest you go to a hospital" Harry said bitterly "Because I havent got any money!"
"Aye, boy, you do. Its in Gringots of course!"
"What's a gringots?" Harry asked.
"WHAT'S A GRINGOTS? BLIMEY HARROLD YOU REALLY DO WANT TO KILL ME!" Newt said, rubbing tears from his eyes.
"It's Harry." Harry mumbled softly... Remembering his cousin and trying to figure out if he liked Mr. Scammander or not.
"Harry, Gringotts is a- oh why bother trying to explain it? You'll see tomorrow. Now eat up, you'll need you strength" Cadence said softly, pulling his hand back. Harry felt his heart deflate a little at the lack of touch and wondered why breifly before digging into the most delicious thing hed ever had in his life.

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