~один-1~ (UPDATED 04/01/2023)

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"Son... help me."

The phone call from Sasha on the day he plotted to end Emir's life forced Alpha's thoughts back in time. He was there on that day. He sat on the floor next to the beast he once feared and watched as something he could never fully explain happened before his eyes.

It was on that day that he learned to truly fear his own flesh and blood.


He was prepared to take a beating if necessary.

The young boy's eyes were blackened from the abuse he had already endured. His father accused him of stealing. Even though it was a setup from the beginning, and the boy was well aware of what would happen if he got caught, Alpha did exactly what he believed he must do before he and his brother starved to death.

Earlier that day, hunger gnawed at his insides in a way that made him feel he would succumb to a fit of retching if he didn't eat something soon. A moment of deep reflection should have warned him that his father must have requested that the cook place a fresh loaf of bread on the table. As dangerous as the outcome of the setup was, the suffering was greater than the consequences he would face should he refrain from taking action.

Alpha recalled warning his brother not to leave the room. Instead, he insisted that his brother remain in the room and out of harm's way until he returned to their safe zone. Since the younger of the two relied on Aloha to solve their problems, it was impossible for the broken boy to think solely about himself.

Once Alpha had successfully snatched a warm loaf, he raced back to grab his twin in search of their favorite hiding place where they could enjoy their loot in peace.

The man who was known to starve his sons and then punish them if they took food without his permission most certainly would be after them once the crime had occurred, but the pains that stabbed at him drove him to the brink of insanity.

Understanding the dangers associated with stealing, he was prepared to take a beating if necessary. To ease the suffering he and his little brother were continuously subjected to, Alpha made his move.


They would learn to trust no one and only rely on one another.


Unbeknownst to Alpha, from the closed-circuit monitor in his office, his father waited patiently to see who was strong enough and possessed the resolve needed to take the bread. With an inner sense of certainty, the man hovered assuring himself of which boy he knew would take the bait.

The twin's father was indeed a sadistic piece of shit who insisted it was his intention to bring out every foul characteristic in his children. Their survival in the underworld required that they learn to be resilient in the face of danger.

Desire to overcome any obstacle must be the force driving them to do whatever was required to live.

No excuses.
No fear.

After such tutelage, it was Alpha showed the most promise.

The man already sensed his eldest son would be triumphant because he exhibited the right characteristics. He was confident the teen would become just like the man who should have shown him the love of a father. Instead, the boys' only parent worked ruthlessly to root out anything he felt would weaken his children. Alpha's constitution concerned him because the boy was resilient yet thin.

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