~десять-10~ (UPDATED 02/26/2022)

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Wealthy people were always obsessed with keeping their wealth. The one thing that threatened the elites was the idea that anyone could rise to a financial status strong enough to knock them off of their high horse. That thought alone made them do anything to take down anyone perceived to be a threat.

Eva believed if she had remained an undercover businesswoman that she would have flown below everyone's radar. Because she became wealthy so quickly, she caught the wrong kind of attention. People powerful enough to bring a person like her down with little or no effort had to have caught onto the lateral move she made.

Maybe... just maybe... she stepped on the wrong toes.

Had she remained with Emir, she may have been okay. Anger forced her to make a terrible mistake. She miscalculated her alignment with Sasha, believing she would be unstoppable.

"The payment is blood," Alpha spoke ripping her from her own speculations.

"What did you say?" She quickly replied.

"It's flesh. It's life. He has chosen to offer you as a blood sacrifice. You have been branded. That's the reason you are in so much pain." He whispered.

"I thought these sacrifices were only people of importance. I barely know your brother. Surely, I am of no value to him?" She stated.

"Sasha has never had a girlfriend. He has never been married. He has never brought a woman home and he has never had sex with any woman without killing her after their first encounter. People who are unconscionably wealthy know this secret about him. Many people fear him because of his appetite for death." He stared into her eyes as she lay on her side looking up at him.

"What can I do?" Her eyes pled with him for help.

"Was it the first time?" His rough accent thickened as he struggled to ask the question. The idea of his brother savoring Eva's talents was enough to make him sick. Sasha knew how Alpha felt about her, and yet he still pursued her. In his despair, he desperately craved an opportunity to kill his twin. The idea of plucking out his brother's eyes as he cut off his tongue gave him an insurmountable feeling of joy. He wanted nothing more than to gut Sasha like a fish and cut off his balls for allowing even one finger to graze Eva's delectable skin.

Alpha placed a gentle kiss on her shoulder as he listened for the words he had no desire to hear.

"I was given to him by Emir. He received a notice stating that it was a requirement. I was prepared and then I spent a few weeks at Sasha's beck and call." She explained to the man who surprised her with a level of tenderness she had never experienced with him before.

"You have been sexual with him the entire time and he didn't try to kill you?" Alpha asked in disbelief. His raised eyebrows expressed that the information she provided was impossible.

"He tried one night but I called past the darkness and was able to reach beyond whatever controls Sasha. We were volatile and vicious, but he didn't try to kill me again... until... until." She stopped at a loss for words. It all made sense. Something happened when they reached this house.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"I can't remember, but I know something changed the moment we stepped foot in this house." The words left her lips as if she were desperately lost.

"I don't know exactly how we will do it, but I have to get you out of here." Alpha leaned down to whisper in her ear.



Explaining that this was an immensely dangerous place, Alpha let her in on his family's connection with the entire town and how it was controlled by Sasha. He disclosed that his brother's ties to the government and every wealthy family in Russia would prevent them from moving freely, but soon, a solution would be provided.

BLACK HUSTLE SERIES: SASHA (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now