~девять-9~ (UPDATED 02/26/2022)

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"Tell me who that voice belongs to." Alpha was in no mood to listen to Sasha's bullshit. Everything hit him at once. This was the reason he threatened to kill him if he interfered with Emir and Eva. Sasha wanted her for himself and now she was in their childhood home with his brother.

Hellfire filled his veins as he realized that the only person he ever loved was stolen from him by his own brother. Even though his brother hadn't spoken her name, Alpha had already identified her voice. He was addicted to the feel of her skin. He knew her scent. Alpha knew his Eva. Not a single person had the power to remove her from his memories of every moment they spent together.

"It's Eva," Sasha confirmed his brother's worst nightmare. Alpha's brother spoke proudly of his betrayal as if his own flesh and blood meant nothing to him.

"Why is she there?" The coldness in his voice was more sinister than anything Alpha had ever spoken before to Sasha in his life. Though Alpha was known for committing acts of inhumane carnage, he never challenged Sasha. Because he knew how deadly his brother was, Alpha always stepped back and allowed him to fulfill his rule undeterred, but that was before he heard her voice.

The tone of Sasha's voice and the words he spoke were more than murderous.

"Alpha listen to me when I explain this to you. She was chosen as a sacrifice. If you come here and intervene, our family will be destroyed. Is she worth your own life?" Sasha attempted to reason with his sibling. He knew it would do no good. Alpha was a person who lacked the ability to see the long-term outcome of an action. He focused on immediate gratification from a response. Nothing would change the scenarios that were most likely playing on a loop in Alpha's mind.

Sasha was sure war was headed his way and he was prepared for whatever reaction his brother had in store for him.

"Alpha..." Just as he was about to hang up the phone, Alpha responded.

"Скоро увидимся/See you soon." And then there was a click.


Eva had no idea where she was. She walked along a hall that was dark with very little light illuminating it. With every step she took, shadows appeared to follow her. Just keep walking. The wind directed her. A huge door appeared before her. It was impossible to open the door. For some reason, it seemed to be sealed. Something told her to walk away but she refused to listen.

"Hoc Aperi ianuam./This opens the door. Hoc Aperi ianuam. Hoc Aperi ianuam." The words released the door allowing it to open every time she said the words. With the last utterance of the words, the door flung itself open. Piercing blue eyes peered out from the darkness.

"Quid tu hic?/Why are you here?" A voice filled with dread and suffering rolled out in waves. Some strange essence washed over Eva as the entity spoke. She knew she should be afraid, but fear had no place here.

"Quid tu hic?/Why are you here?" The eerie voice continued to bellow out from the dark place.

"I don't know why I was sent here," Eva responded honestly. In the void of her mind, she was convinced this was some kind of fucked up nightmare. She had no idea what language she was speaking and no explanation for the conversation she was holding with a pair of glowing blue eyes. Eva was convinced she must be in some kind of drug-induced bullshit.

"Tu solus potes credere, quod vident et tangunt./Thou art able to believe when they see and touch each other." The force of the words slapped smacked the air out of her lungs. Eva regained her focus on the eyes and forced herself to stop disappearing in her own head.

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