Chapter 4

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Natsumi tended to wander due to her Cocoon Period. Mentally, and physically. As her mind would wander and she would lose track of things easily, her feet would move on their own and she would end up getting lost in the woods.

Whenever she got back on her train of thought, she wouldn't remember how she had gotten where she was. That was another big issue; she was very forgetful in her state. Nonetheless, she continued to wander, as if she was searching for something, but with no idea what.

Then, she heard something that made her empty wandering mind seem to point towards a destination. She could hear music, the symphony of a piano.

Entranced by the melody, her feet began taking her towards the source of the sound. She looked to see doors to a large white building, standing wide open as if welcoming her. Natsumi slowly stepped inside, the sounds of the piano echoing off the walls.

"Where are you...?" she asked as she closed her eyes. Her feet started to move again as she blinding walked ahead.


In another room, Moriyasu Madoka was playing piano in an empty music room. Her delicate fingers drawing out each note from the instrument in front of her.

After finishing her song, she let out a sigh before closing the piano. She turned to leave the room, only to see an unknown girl standing in front of her.

"Kya!" She jumped, stepping back a bit to lean against the piano.

"Uwa!" The girl also seemed surprised, as if she were in a daze. "You surprised me."

"I should be the one saying that. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Uhh... what was I doing here..?" Natsumi tried to think. "I heard something and came here. It was... music?"

"Music? You mean, my piano playing?"

"Yes. That's it! Someone was playing piano," she smiled at the girl. "So it was you?"

"Erm, yes. I'm Moriyasu Madoka. And you are?"

"Matsuoka Natsumi."

"Natsumi... do you go here?"

Natsumi thought for a moment before shaking her head.

"Then why are you here?! If someone finds out you're here, you'll get in trouble!"

"No, I won't. No one else is here."

"Mou!" Madoka took the girl's hands, dragging her down the hallway. "Come on!"

"Wait, aren't you going to play another song? I want to hear you play again!"


"Please! Play the piano again for Natsumi!"

"Fine," Madoka groaned. "I'll play for you some other day."


"Yeah, sure, I promise," the girl rushingly said, looking around before dashing towards the exit. "Now go. I have to return to class."

"OK! Bye, Madoka-chan~"

Natsumi started walking away, humming the melody the girl had played. As she wandered back into the forest, Natsuki and Tomu appeared, approaching her.

"There you are!"

"Natsumi, you HAVE to stop wandering off!" Natsuki said firmly.

"Sorry," Natsumi apologized before she and the others started walking back to the Sanctum.


"Madoka-chaaaaan!" A loud voice called out to Madoka. She looked and saw one of her kouhai, Marika.

"Marika? Why are you--?"

"I was getting a snack and I thought I heard you talking to someone."

Madoka stuttered momentarily, "N-no. I wasn't talking to anyone!"

"Hm~ sure you were!" Marika chuckled. "C'mon, just tell me who it was!"

"Y-you don't know her. She's, uh... She doesn't go here."

"Eh? Is that so?"

"Yeah. She's a... A student at a school next door," she quickly made up an excuse. "It just happens to be nearby, so she wanted to pay a visit."

"She a friend of yours? Like a pen pal?"

"N-no. She just happened to come and I ran into her. That's all."

"Hehe, is that so~?"

"That's all," Madoka retaliated with a firm gaze.

"Hai, hai."

The taller girl pouted. "Whatever. Let's go before we're late to class."


Once night fell, Mako decided to check on Nana. She entered the room she had been resting in and saw Nana wasn't in her bed.


She left the room and started searching the halls of the Sanctum, calling Nana's name. She then went to the roof and saw Nana dancing by herself. The thousand-year old vampire girl just spun and twirled under the stars, not noticing Mako's presence.

"Nana," Mako called out to her, this time making her turn to look at her.

Nana smiled, "Mako." She walked to her and hugged her. Mako didn't hug back; she just let her hug her.

"Why are you here?"

"I just love being under the stars..." Nana said with a smile. "I love to dance under the night sky."

"You should be resting," Mako said. Nana looked at her, tilting her head. "Come on, I'll take you to your room."

Without saying anything, Nana took Mako's hand and obediently followed her back to her room. Mako looked back at the hand that gently held onto hers. The small, white fingers wrapped around hers were soft and delicate, with a present chill of the undead.

"So, you like the stars?" Mako asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes... I would always look at the stars with my best friend."

"Hee~ Who is that?"

Nana just looked at her confused. Mako turned back to look at her, meeting her gaze.


"It's you, Mako. Don't you remember? We used to play together all the time."

"Eh? What are you talking about..?" Mako was cut off when Nana suddenly knelt down on one knee.

"I never stopped thinking about you, you know."


"In my sleep, I could go back in time to when we were together. I would relive those days in my mind, the days that were filled with peace. In a world with so much prejudice, you made me unafraid to express my feelings toward you."

Mako just looked confused as the older vampire caressed the back of her hand with her cheek.

"I really missed you... I never want to leave you ever again."

"Wait, Nana, I think you're mistaken," Mako said, kneeling down to her. "I've never met you before."

"Mako... please, you must remember."


Nana held her face, cupping her cheeks gently. All Mako could feel was the numbing coldness against her skin.

"I will help you recall... To remember what we were... What we are."

She saw the girl lean closer, opening her mouth to reveal fangs.

"She's... going to bite me!"
Mako panicked, pushing her away. "No!"

Shaken by what happened, Mako ran away, her heart pounding. Nana just sat there on her knees, watching Mako leave.

"Mako... please, you have to remember. We are intertwined."

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