~Chp 9~

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Hi everyone happy 2022, can't believe I've convinced
myself to do this but, here's a very rushed ending/epilogue for those
of you who enjoyed Jamie and Casey, god knows why since this 'book'
Is awful, but I am so thankful for the support none the less. I'd say
Enjoy but I doubt you will, so hopefully I'll see you in another book :)

Firstly here's a graphic violence warning⚠️

Casey fisher
2 years later

       The stench of those days in the bleak, black room still haunts me in my sleep. I wake up sweating and sometimes screaming but Jamie, my light in all this darkness, is there to cuddle me and sooth my back to sleep in his strong arms. His strong, scarred arms. He never spoke about what he truly went through to get me back from Vincent's grasp but lord knows it was no where near as easy as he played it off to be.

    Safe to say that was the last time I wanted to- or was allowed into Davies strip bar, Jamie has since arranged for better security, even though Vincent isn't around anymore to do any damage. He came to a deserving and bloody end. At both Jamie and I's hands. After Jamie stumbled through the door covered in so much blood I couldn't believe he was alive, then I had realised most of it wasn't his. I felt my broken heart beat again at the sight of him and yanked and pulled against my literal chains and ropes, over-come with adrenaline after days of going numb with the punishment. My eyes stayed on Jamie as tears washed away dried blood from my cheeks. But Jamie, was alone. After managing to take down three of the men in my room and however many before, he was worn. Vincent simply bashed his glock against the back of Jamie's head sending him collapsing onto the concrete floor. I hope my scream haunted those men in their final moments. It was the most awful noise I have ever heard or let out, I couldn't believe it came from me.

But my scream distracted them enough for those two vital seconds when Levi, Hughie, Marcus and Fraser came rushing through the door out numbering the men here and letting all hell rip loose. They carried crow bars, hammers, Levi with a god damn axe. They brutally beat Vincent's lac kids to their deaths, blood spattering their ruggedly handsome faces, now twisted with anger and hurt. Levi had Vincent on the ground with a knee in the centre of his back and the cool heavy blade of the axe stroking the back of his neck. Fraser helped Jamie up and steadied him. Marcus bashing my chains until I broke free.

My knees wobbled like bambi, after sitting for days on end. I stumbled towards Jamie refusing the support of any of his men. We leant into each other, the only comfort we needed in each other's presence. Although I never told Jamie I loved him, and wasn't exactly sure of what love really was, this sure damn felt like it. Fighting for one another, longing to be with them, how natural and easy it is to be in one another's company. Our breaths synced and we held eye contact making sure this was real. But in the look we exchanged we knew what we needed to do.

"I'm gonna fuckin end him Casey" he rasped.

"Not before I have my go" his eyes flared slightly with surprise, Jamie and his boys gave me new found strength, I wasn't meek I wasn't frail (well maybe physically I was, after not eating for days) and I was gonna give Vincent the hell he deserved.

Levi forced him to stand holding him by the neck and hands, turning Vincent's face purple. I limped towards him before stopping half a metre away, leering up at his cold features. The men warned me to stay back, but I had no intention of doing so. I was so full of rage, maybe not even just from the past week, but from my whole life, and found it awfully fucking rude of this random mother fucker Vincent, to take whatever shit he had going on, out on me. I spat on his face watching it fall down his cheek.

"Fuck you" I said dryly, watching his lip snarl.

I then grabbed his Jean covered balls and squeezed as hard as I could, pressing my ragged in as far as I could. Twisting and pulling. Vincent couldn't hide the pain. He held his breath for so long that he gave himself a nosebleed. Then I kicked him in balls, he fell to his knees infront of me. Just as he should. I made Levi hold him by the shoulders as I punched and kicked his face so he was a bloodied pulp. After his face was swollen, I then held him by the cheeks. I would be the last thing he ever saw.

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