49: Naming and Shaming

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(Y/N) laughed softly as Isabel cussed, having dropped another picture on the floor.

''Reparo! For Merlin's sake...''

She heard Wisp pick up something else out of the box of things Isabel had got together to decorate the nursery, and then Isabel obviously dropped something else, as she yelped.

''It's almost like we're back at school, isn't it, Dray?'' (Y/N) mused as she read, Amorita curled up in her lap.

''I guess,'' he laughed, ''perhaps we should invite Pansy over to add to that?''

(Y/N) snorted; ''no thank you!''She flicked her page over, laughing a little more.

''What drivel are we reading today, then?'' Draco asked.

''Romeo and Juliet,'' she rolled her eyes, ''and it actually is drivel. Why that Muggle man was so insistent it was a classic I will never know...''

She pulled her blanket a little further over herself, pointing at one line in particular.

''Love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs,'' Draco read, ''When the smoke clears, love is a fire burning—I get your point.''

''And they kill themselves at the end!'' (Y/N) exclaimed, ''they're fourteen! And they just decided it was already true love, and...just...why?!''

A witchy laugh came from the soon-to-be nursery, ''You decided Draco was your true love at fourteen, (Y/N), let Juliet do her thing!''

(Y/N) went a little pink, not even bothering to respond.

''Oh, there's a rather large package from my father coming later,'' (Y/N) said absentmindedly, ''and his owl isn't really the kindest. So, uh, overpay him a bit.''

''I take it you're planning to stay there all day?'' Draco responded, smiling.

''Yes,'' she pretended to be offended, ''you get to be my servant, for...well, however long mini Draco takes.''

''I thought we said to stop calling it that,'' Draco said, his eyes immediately shooting over to the room Isabel was in, ''didn't we?''

(Y/N) shrugged, pretending she had never heard that conversation happen.

She rolled over, still lightly laughing at her book; ''Juliet needs to get a grip.''

''It must be really bad for you to be that harsh,'' Draco said amusedly, ''has she killed the cat as an act of love or something?'' 

''That would be far more exciting.''

Draco laughed; it was rather surreal to see (Y/N) sitting and reading again, as he knew she used to use it as a coping method, but...well, he wasn't complaining. 

Listening to her laugh about whatever was going on in fair Verona was far better than watching her in pain, which was common at the moment; it really did feel like they were back to the usually fleeting happy times in the common room, sitting by the fire...

''I'll be back in a second!'' (Y/N) exclaimed, getting up to run to the bathroom again.

Draco smiled after her.

It was going to be better than their time together in school...there was going to be another little (Y/N) around, maybe reading books and shooting sarcastic comments just like their mother...

With a sigh, Draco sat down, contentedly; he was going to be a father.

That really was something to be excited about...

Or perhaps worried about, maybe.


(Y/N) stifled a chuckle as she went up to bed; Isabel and Wisp had fallen asleep in the spare room, both covered in remnants of white paint and other decorating supplies.

''She's too good to us,'' (Y/N) whispered to Draco, ''I do wish she'd let me pay her...''

Draco sighed; ''I wouldn't ask you for payment, either; it's out of love, I suppose.''

''Well,'' (Y/N) said, crossing her arms, ''would you like to help her tomorrow, then?''

''I, uh, need to stay with you...''

''I know, darling, I know,'' (Y/N) said, laughing, ''come on, let's just get to bed.''

She took Draco's hand, leading him up the stairs before he could say anything more.

They spent most of that night discussing what they were actually going to call their child; but as (Y/N) was refusing to go for a test to see if it was male or female, they had to play to both possibilities.

''I always thought Twyla was a pretty name,'' (Y/N) said, ''but 'Twyla Malfoy' sounds kind of...strange.''

''You could just name it Isabel,'' Draco joked, ''that would hit the 'sentimental value' nail on the head.''

''No,'' (Y/N) responded, laughing, ''that would be so awkward for others...unless I called her something like Isabel-Luna Hermione-Opal Trixie-Ginevra Malfoy, which is quite frankly far too convoluted!''

''Longer names are okay though,'' Draco mused, ''Like Celestia or Serenity for a girl, and perhaps Antoine or...Cadmus or something for a boy.''

(Y/N) thought for a second; ''Serenity is pretty, but it sounds a little...well, narcissistic.''

''I suppose it does, but any daughter of yours is going to be beautiful, so she deserves a pretty name to go with it!''

''Oh, come on,'' (Y/N) said, trying not to laugh, ''would you like a son with some pompous name like 'Angel'? No; but that's what he'd be.''

Draco rolled his eyes; ''you're strange.''

''Well, you must appreciate my strangeness,'' (Y/N) said, holding her head up, ''you did marry me, after all, babe.''

''Oh, stop it, (Y/N)!'' Draco retorted, blushing a little.


She leaned in to press a kiss on his forehead before laying down; doing nothing all day really was exhausting.

''Right, we have a little bit of shopping to do tomorrow, are you up to coming with me?'' Draco asked.

''If it's baby stuff, yes. If it's you and Isabel buying almost everything in Honeydukes again, no.''

''I promise it's the first one,'' Draco replied, a little embarrassedly, ''and it was Hermione's idea, anyway; she said she wants to help as much as she can.''

(Y/N) nodded sleepily, ''okay then. I guess I can will myself to move if it's for important things.''

''But if you do start feeling like you need to go home, we'll come back, okay?'' Draco said, worried because (Y/N) actually hadn't left the house in days because of this or that caused by the pregnancy.

''I'll be fine, honestly, calm down, Dray.'' She said, soothingly.

''I can't,'' he admitted, ''I don't want you or our baby getting hurt.''

He placed a hand on her swollen stomach, sighing a little.

''We'll be fine,'' (Y/N) laughed, ''if they're anything like us, little baby Malfoy's going to be resilient.''

''Anything like you, you mean.'' Draco replied.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes; ''no.'' 

It was obvious that Draco was rather stressed over the shopping issue; (Y/N) practically had to force him to get into bed, but as soon as she did, they were both asleep in moments.

And that night was one of the first truly peaceful ones in a while.

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